Effect of Weather on Appetite?


Welcome to Winter in New York

Ha! Not MY favorite time of the year, that’s for sure. We got hit with eight inches on Saturday — beautiful, but messy and dangerous.

I was in NYC with my children, celebrating my birthday (NOT revealing the number!). 🙂  We went to the Met to see the exquisite Christmas Tree, sometimes referred to as the Angel Tree, and Neapolitan Baroque Creche. It’s a sight to behold, regardless of the religion you profess (or don’t). It’s art, at its finest. Put it on your calendar for next year. You won’t regret it — I promise!

“Angel Tree” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

While we were strolling through the museum,  enjoying the VALETIN DE BOULOGNE — BEYOND CARAVAGGIO Exhibit, it was snowing outside; like CRAZY! We were warm, relaxed, and hungry, so we headed to The Petrie Court Cafe, one of the Met’s restaurants, for lunch — so, Let It Snow! 

We had worked up an appetite and feasted on food fit for royalty. Most museum food doesn’t do it for me, but our lunch was deeeelicious! I won’t write the specifics — just the thought of our epicurean delights is making me salivate!  We were full, and moved on to the remainder of our journey in the museum. Evidently, we walked off that full feeling, because…

View of Central Park from Petrie Court Cafe, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

Later, after viewing some other exhibits, we returned for dessert. Yes, you heard me right — DESSERT! Something I normally skip when out to lunch/dinner; but, C’mon, it was my birthday. I indulged in a serving of dark, chocolate fudge cake with a small scoop of cappuccino gelato — there go my salivary glands, again! Joking, I said to my kids, “What! No candle?” They chuckled, as my daughter reached into her purse and pulled one out. I laughed knowing they couldn’t light it, but just to be on the safe side, I said, “We’ll get thrown out, if you light that!” At that very moment, my son lit a match and they quickly sung Happy Birthday to You, as I made a wish and blew out the candle!

🙂  That was one of many laughs we had on Saturday. More took place in two Uber rides through the snow (to and from Penn Station), along with a serenade — Happy Birthday to You, just prior to my train’s departure. They made sure that the guests at the restaurant, the visitors and employees at the Met, and the passengers on the train wished me a HB! My stomach hurt from laughing; a multitude of thanks to my chickadees for making yet another birthday — SO much fun. Contrary to research, we believe that a sense of humor is genetic — actually, we know that for sure.

BACK TO WEATHER AND APPETITE and T2D.  I don’t know about your inclinations, regarding food and the change in weather, but I know that I definitely BULK UP in winter. Let’s face it, if you live in the “change of season” states, you’ll be cold in the winter months and looking for a nice warm soup or stew, hot coffee or tea. For me, the warm summer weather signals salads and cold drinks.

That being said, it’s been really cold here in the Northeast of the U.S. and so, along with donning my long johns, I HAVE been drinking a lot of herbal tea and eating heavier meals (while monitoring my blood sugar, I might add).  HOLY METEOROLOGY! Our temperatures ranged from the 20’s on Saturday (with 8″ of the white stuff), moving up to 46 degrees today (Wednesday), to a predicted possibility of 60 tomorrow!

Jones Beach, of course!

CRAZY! BEACH WEATHER! So where will that put our food cravings tomorrow? Chicken salad, tuna salad, big fat Greek Salad? Dare I say, ice cream? NOOOOooooo. I won’t go that far. Just as the outdoor plants are getting confused with the roller-coaster weather, our internal barometers may not know which way to direct us in terms of food. But fret not, It’s “suspected” that the thermostat will take a dive into the 20’s come Saturday, and then rise up once again during next week.

What to eat? That is the question — not Shakespeare!

It matters not the weather (feeling British), the bottom line is that this Type 2 Diabetic must stay on track — regardless of the barometer.

  • Monitor blood sugar levels
  • Exercise — in my case, walk, walk, WALK
  • Eat properly (Yes, we ALL know what that means!)

Enjoy the journey, folks. We’re going to be just fine,   🙂   despite the weather.

Day #2, 2017! 5 Steps to Keeping on Track

Can you believe it? 2017!

It’s so cliché, but time REALLY does fly. My plan is to make the most — on EVERY level — of 2017. This T2D will beat the hell out of her A1C.  🙂

Cleaning out my refrigerator and freezer is how I started my day. Then, I moved on to food shopping to be sure my cupboards are filled with healthy choices. NO excuses!

I made a batch of sugar-free raspberry Jello, in an effort to be prepared when the sugar beast invades my brain! Sugar-free jello seems to calm “him” down.


I have visions of him “dancing in my head” — NOT “sugar-plum fairies,” the Sugar BEAST! But, it’s okay. I’m prepared to “take care of him” in 2017. BRING IT ON, BEAST!  🙂

Next on my agenda is to create a pot of piping hot Vegetable Barley Soup. It’s threatening to get colder here in the Northeast, and I’ll be ready.  I love to make soup and freeze individual portions. It just makes life easier, and the individual portions help to keep my blood sugar levels in check.

Exercise = IMPORTANT

My walking buddy and I conferred and we’re starting 2017 off on the “right foot” (pun intended)!  We’ll have to walk the mall, but it really doesn’t matter as long as one foot is planted firmly in front of the other! Walking is the #1 way to lower my blood sugar — works EVERY time.

Monitoring my blood sugar has to be at the top of my list, even though it’s a ROYAL pain in the butt. The bottom line is that I know when I write it down (my definition of “monitoring”), I have a MUCH better chance of staying on track.


So, here’s how 2017 is shaking out thus far. I will be keeping on track by following these 5 STEPS:

  1.  Keeping diabetes-friendly foods, not just in the cabinets but, prepared to eat at any time.
  2. Maintaining awareness of the SUGAR BEAST lurking around every corner.
  3. Preparing and freezing individual portions of foods. Portion control is imperative, if I am to succeed on this journey.
  4. Exercising: God bless my “walking buddy,” Maureen,  — she keeps me accountable. You too can have one — ask around!
  5. Monitoring my blood sugar.

There are MANY PATHS we can take on this journey

with lots twists and turns and forks in the road but, with the support of other Type 2 Diabetics, I believe we can make healthy choices and be successful.

There are a multitude of  choices — let’s take the right path towards a healthy diabetic life!

GOOD LUCK in 2017, folks!






IT’S COLD outside but, I went “fishing” anyway!

I yell at myself for complaining about the cold weather, after the horrific winter we had last year in the Northeast — it was the worst!

Today I went fishing — not in the great and wonderful Atlantic Ocean,

IMG_1578           — nor in a calm lake …       NOPE!

I took my “fishing rod” — or rather my wallet, and headed to the fish store!

I’ve been eating so much chicken lately, I’m beginning to quack!  A change of pace was definitely in order, so off I went, not in my boat, but instead in my nice warm car.

Later, I headed home with my “loot” — swordfish, salmon, and flounder stuffed with crabmeat.  I picked up a bright yellow pepper to add to the vegetables I already had,; the end result will be grilled or roasted veggies — not sure which, but I’ll let you know.

Have to go now; picking up my walking buddy — gotta get that blood sugar level down!  I’ll let you know later… (By the way, that link above will put you in touch with a very good article on this topic.)

_______________          _______________          ______________

I’m BAAACK… and very happy.  My blood sugar dropped 56 points after walking tonight and 70 points after walking this morning.  It fascinates me, for some reason, that walking has such an impact on it.  Obviously, this is not new news; but, when I monitor/journal my numbers, the results never cease to amaze me.    🙂

If you’re not walking (yet), I strongly recommend that you try it, and be sure to write down the pre and post numbers.  No matter how long you walk, I can’t imagine that you won’t see a drop in your numbers. It’ll boost your confidence!

Go ahead, dust off those sneakers;

*** BUT,  if this is NEW for you — CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.  There are do’s and don’ts for everything.  We’re all different, so talking with your doctor will get you the vital information that you need.

Here’s an example, as it relates to ME:    If my blood sugar is on the low side (and I know it will drop at least 50 points while I’m walking),  I’ll have a small snack or some crackers to bring my level up before I go walking.  Now that I’ve noticed that my levels are dropping regularly with exercise, I take along a carb (pretzels/crackers) in my pocket, for the just-in-case time that I don’t feel “right.” (Per my doctor’s advice.)

Talk to your doctor, and he/she will give you the advice that’s right for you!








Looks like winter has finally arrived here in the northeast.  So far, we’ve been spared the snow — but it’s COLD!  As a result, I’ve become a “mall walker.”  I’ve been hoofing the mall, and making great “strides” (that’s a pun) on my blood sugar levels.  Sorry 😦

Some examples:


Post walk……………..84





Some walks were longer than others. I’ll start timing and paying attention to the length (in miles) tomorrow.


The point is:  WALKING WORKS!!!





Trust me folks.  Grab your sneakers —


and hit the road (or the mall, depending on where you live) —

KODAK Digital Still Camera


— and lower your blood glucose levels.       YEA TEAM!!!   🙂


“Hoofing it–“

STILL  “trying” to walk twice a day —

After having some difficulty motivating my body to rise early enough to beat the heat,  I AM getting my morning walk back into a routine. I tell myself, I REALLY want to walk in the evening too.  So, what’s my problem?

Any suggestions, folks, in terms of motivation?

I feel like my feet are planted in cement.  The reality is, I DON’T WANT TO DO IT!  I feel like a spoiled child, stomping my feet and screaming “I’m not going.”  It’s absurd.  Just do it! — I tell myself, to no avail.

Yes, I’m feeling positive about my morning walks, but this inability to move my butt, as the sun is setting, is making me nuts!  It’s a choice, a bad choice, that I keep repeating.  Yet, I know — deep down to my core — that there’s nothing better I can be doing for myself than walking.  Experience has taught me that walking is a great way to shed that belly fat and it does wonders in bringing down my blood sugar numbers.  So, what’s my problem???

I need an attitude adjustment.  Seriously.  C’mon, Kathy.  Get it together, MOVE YOUR BUTT!  It’s just a matter of developing a habit — a good one.  Grabbing my sneakers, again…and moving along.    One day at a time!

Walking "gear"
Walking “gear”

Thanks for listening.  Hey, let me know your exercise regimen.  Are you a walking fiend???

JULY 5th!

WOW!  That was a great beginning to BBQ season.

Everyone I spoke with talked about going to barbecues, swimming at the beach or in pools, or getting out of town.  It was a busy weekend.  In the northeast, where I live, people were heading for the “hills,” which could mean the mountains upstate, or the beaches on Long Island and the Jersey Shore.  The weather cooperated, so there were lots of happy smiles on this (Long) island.

I’m still hearing leftover fireworks in the distance.

Tomorrow will be back to work for many and a continuation of vacation for some.  Whichever category you fit into, I hope you enjoy every minute of it in a healthy way.  Keep on track, watch your blood sugar levels, and enjoy lots of healthy meals.

Healthy choices — that’s the name of the A1C game!