“FUNK” — U!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

So there!!!        IMG_4375

That’s how I’ve been feeling — in a funk.  Tired, aggravated with the world, you know the deal. We’ve all been there.

Not being a very patient person,…I want/need OUT of this feeling, NOW!  Ah, patience. Not one of my virtues. I guess I’m frustrated because I’ve been working hard at beating the hell out of my T2D, desperately trying to get off the medication. I expected to feel great by now (always in a rush…)  I have a B12 deficiency, so I had the blood work done yesterday to determine if that’s the issue at hand. I hope so. That’s an easy fix.

When I got up this morning, I headed for John’s Farms for some fishIMG_4422— “brain food,” right? Maybe that’ll help. I bought swordfish, which I LOVE grilled.  Next, I drove to my absolute favorite local farm — Meyer’s. I stocked up on some of their fantastic zucchini — the golden zucchini is amazing. I swear the attraction for me is the color, not just the taste. They’re such a rich, golden shade of yellow —  beautiful. 🙂

Thanks to my nephew, Keith, (I like to refer to him as “Farmer Keith”). He’s got some “Green Thumb!”  Thanks, Keith, for an outrageous supply of bright red, scrumptious, cherry tomatoes. Mouthwatering — OMG — they’re incredible! I could eat them like candy, but — oops, oh yeah, diabetes. I paired these jewels of his “farm” with some amazing zucchini, and the result was a casserole that, at this very moment, smells FANTABULOUS!!! Can’t wait ’til it comes out of the oven.

Do you hear a change in my “tone?” I do. Just taking the actions that I took today, are causing an improvement in my attitude. Music helps too — Hoping the “Funk” departs — SOON!

Watch for my next post. I’ll include a photo of the finished product. If it’s tasty, I’ll include the recipe!  🙂