PORTION CONTROL — Name of the Game —

Sunday, September 18, 2016

It’s the name of the game in “beating” my Type 2 Diabetes, and I seem to be mastering it. I’m working on controlling my “portions” of everything;  probably why I’m so focused.

Because I’m downsizing and purging my house, I’m constantly evaluating what I NEED and don’t need. I’ve been in this house for 37 years so, trust me, that’s a LOT of stuff! Thanks to tips from minimalist, Billy from Simple Living Over 50, I’m progressing. His blog is amazing  — check it out, you won’t regret it.

So, basically, what I’m doing is controlling my “portions” in terms of what I really need (things), along with food. Watching what and how much I’m eating has gone a long way to lowering my A1C. It’s helping and I’m hoping that I can hang on to this discipline. This is the balance that I need in my life. Managing my diabetes and my environment will certainly help to achieve the balance that I yearn for. I’m following this path now, and this T2D is dedicated and determined to live a balanced and minimalistic life. IMG_4435

I’m reading, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing), by Marie Kondo. 🙂  I have a shelf packed with books on decluttering (they’re going!), but this one is unique — she has a completely different method of decluttering and I’m taking it on!  Attacking my kitchen cabinets is next. I know there are LOTS of items that are well past their dates — OUT they go. I can’t wait to have room in the cabinets that I WILL NOT FILL! I’m going to leave room for the food to “breathe.”  🙂

Seriously, I’m so thrilled that I’ve finally discovered that less really IS more — it gives ME room to breathe.  I’m on a roll, wish me luck!

PORTION CONTROL — the name of the game!