Fall Has Arrived!

Yes it has!  I can tell by the subtle changes in the leaves, and the onion soup simmering in my crock pot.

The forecast in NY, for the remainder of this week, is for cooler weather; thus, the French onion soup.  I chose this recipe, but left out the brown sugar and the beer.  Pretty much, it’s lots of onions, garlic, salt (I don’t use salt, because I use low sodium stock, that’s enough), pepper, andbeef stock.  Important to buy the low sodium stock.      IMG_3703

I like to brown the onions in a frying pan first.  It’s a quick extra step, but I love the way it looks and smells.  Some recipes call for sugar to help with the caramelization.  I leave that out — a little patience goes a long way.  (They’ll be browner than in the picture)  IMG_3574When serving, I sprinkle the tiniest bit of cheese on top!

I just read a New York Times article on the preparation of onion soup by Jacques Pepin — he doesn’t use stock, just water!  Next time, I’m going to try his recipe.

This is a hearty soup that’s delicious and shouldn’t do much to impact my blood sugar. I’ll probably have a cup or two over the next couple of days and freeze the rest.


I’ll be monitoring my blood sugar before and after this “experiment.”     🙂       I’ll let you know, the high and the low!

My house smells mouthwatering FABULOUS!!!!


           OH, BABY!

TOOK MY BLOOD SUGAR PRIOR to eating = 134.  Will let you know my post number in two hours!

Two hours post French Onion Soup = 122.

Guess it’s safe to say — onion soup is “safe!”


I’ve never thought about it — have you?

My journey throughout the Wonderful World of Diabetes has brought me to various conclusions, but also has evoked  countless emotions and questions.  So, asking myself, What Does Diabetes Look Like? kind of stopped me in my tracks.  It was interesting.  I sat, brush in hand, not knowing where to begin. I’ve never taken a class where there was NO judgment. Like many, I was afraid of making a mistake.  In her class, as well as in the book, Barbara stresses that there are no mistakes.


I had to dig deep to complete this assignment.  As I told you in my last post, I’m taking an art class that expects — no, REQUIRES — the students to take a look “inside.”  The course, Painting Your Way Out of a Corner — The Art of Getting Unstuck,” is also the title of Barbara Diane Barry’s book.  She’s an artist, teacher and author and from what I can see, she’s outstanding in each of those categories.

I took a Watercolor Journaling course last year that helped me explore diabetes, in terms of alternatives to eating, particularly to making bad choices in snacks.  That journal allowed me to write and paint and explore the various things that I was doing to avoid eating the “wrong” foods, as well as activities that I COULD do to achieve that end.  Any hobby/craft that I could work on that would keep my hands and mind occupied, helped me. It helped when I crocheted and when I learned how to quilt and got into beading.  All of those crafts helped. (Maybe the answer IS in the arts and crafts.) Then, when I added the Watercolor Journaling, another level was included in my repertoire.  🙂

But, THIS IS DIFFERENT.  There are no words, “only” artistic expression of feelings. This is an incredibly relaxing and stress-free demonstration of emotion.  Makes you think, right?  🙂


I’ve been working on What Diabetes LOOKS Like, at least from my perspective.  Here it is:  Remember — no judgment.   🙂

My challenge to you folks, is to give it a shot — not insulin, ART!  Trying something new, can’t hurt!  It might help you to explore your health and build it to a higher, more positive level.  Seems to be helping me.


P.S.  A HUGE thank you to Barbara D. Barry

Is The Answer In The Arts..?

I began a new art class today?  It’s called, Painting Your Way Out of a Corner:  The Art of Getting Unstuck.  The teacher is Barbara Barry, author of the book by the same title.  Ms. Barry calls it a “jumping-off point for realizing one’s full creative potential in all areas of life.”

It’s a very different type of painting than I’ve experienced before.  It’s watercolor, which was never a favorite medium for me, yet I continue to try, try, again — determined to grasp it.  No judgment in the room — she stressed that.  Thank you, Barbara.  I believe that this non-traditional, out-of-the-box course, is a perfect way to relieve stress, related to diabetes, and is just what the “Dr.” ordered.  What have I got to lose, right?

Stress Relief
Stress Relief

Why, you wonder, am I taking this class for the next five weeks?  AND, why am I posting it on a Diabetes blog? Simple.  It’s obvious from my prior posts that I seem to be stuck in terms of managing my diabetes.  Climbing and falling.  Sometimes, falling and falling.  But, I AM a Dedicated Diabetic and this is my Diary, therefore, it makes perfect sense to me.  Is the answer in the arts????

So, here’s my question to myself:  WHAT  DOES DIABETES  LOOK  LIKE? 

I’ll post my answer to this question tomorrow.  Remember, NO judgment.    🙂


Sometimes I’m just not “good at this.”

I’ve been on the roller coaster ride that can be DIABETES!  For the last week, I’ve been plagued with cravings. It started last Tuesday when I decided to join a friend for lunch in a diner.  I asked for a to-go box and immediately put half of my food in it for later or for the next day.  Good start, right? 🙂

We had a great lunch. Talked and talked — solving the problems of the world.  🙂

And then it happened.  The waiter approached us and asked if we’d like dessert.  Almost ALWAYS I say, “no thank you.”  So what caused me to cave on this day?   😦   I asked him what the selection was, but that wasn’t good enough. I had to go over to the cases wherein the delectable delights resided. As usual, they were screaming — “Kathy, pick me, pick me!”  After a process of elimination, I chose a mile-high chocolate cream pie.  Oh, the absurdity.  I almost took a picture of the pie, when I realized that I was elevating it to deity status!  Definitely going over the edge, I considered taking another dessert home for later.  Ugh.  I didn’t do it.

I ate every morsel of that pie and on the way home allowed remorse to seep into my being. By the time I pulled into my driveway, I was miserable. After an hour, I started to feel sick — nauseous.  WHY did I do that to myself?  It never fails. Each and every time I make a BAD decision, regarding food, I slip into an abyss of misery.  The rest of that day was a waste. I couldn’t think of anything positive to do to reclaim my happiness. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself.

Wednesday morning, I got up bright and early and walked.  THIS will be a good day.  The bank, the Post Office, food shopping took up my morning.  I only had half an hour before yoga, so NO time for lunch. I’ll eat later; that’ll be fine.  DUCK!  Here it comes — driving to my yoga class, I pulled into a 7-11 and purchased a really healthy snack — not one, TWO candy bars!  I downed them in the true fashion of a sugar addict — FAST!

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot of Absolute Yoga in Woodbury for my class, feeling angry with myself.  Really disgusted.  I confessed my “downfall” to my teacher.  She’s terrific, and we talked about it.  I KNOW every single thing she mentioned, but was unable to put it into practice at that time.  The good news is that our conversation, coupled with a great session of yoga, put me back on track.

Trust me — it hasn’t been easy.  The cravings are still torturing me, but I have more strength, for now — one day at a time.  My refrigerator is stocked, so that when a craving strikes, I have sugar-free Jello on hand, along with fruit and nuts.  I’m ready!  Also, walking in the morning is helping to start off the day on good footing.

The CURE for self-pity is gratitude.  I have so much to be grateful for — I have Type 2 Diabetes; BIG DEAL!  It could be a LOT worse, and I’m grateful that it’s not.

I’m DEDICATED to winning each battle and to have a good and healthy life.

COMMITTED — one day at a time!

“Hoofing it–“

STILL  “trying” to walk twice a day —

After having some difficulty motivating my body to rise early enough to beat the heat,  I AM getting my morning walk back into a routine. I tell myself, I REALLY want to walk in the evening too.  So, what’s my problem?

Any suggestions, folks, in terms of motivation?

I feel like my feet are planted in cement.  The reality is, I DON’T WANT TO DO IT!  I feel like a spoiled child, stomping my feet and screaming “I’m not going.”  It’s absurd.  Just do it! — I tell myself, to no avail.

Yes, I’m feeling positive about my morning walks, but this inability to move my butt, as the sun is setting, is making me nuts!  It’s a choice, a bad choice, that I keep repeating.  Yet, I know — deep down to my core — that there’s nothing better I can be doing for myself than walking.  Experience has taught me that walking is a great way to shed that belly fat and it does wonders in bringing down my blood sugar numbers.  So, what’s my problem???

I need an attitude adjustment.  Seriously.  C’mon, Kathy.  Get it together, MOVE YOUR BUTT!  It’s just a matter of developing a habit — a good one.  Grabbing my sneakers, again…and moving along.    One day at a time!

Walking "gear"
Walking “gear”

Thanks for listening.  Hey, let me know your exercise regimen.  Are you a walking fiend???

Grateful for My Diabetes. What???!!!???

I was in a department store this morning and observed a young boy asking his dad about a man who was in a wheelchair.  Why? What happened? Why? Why? Why?   He was filled with questions. His father kept it simple. “Sometimes, when someone has a hard time walking, or can’t walk at all, they use a wheelchair to get around,” he said, pulling his son over to a cashier farther down the row.  He knew what was about to happen with his six-year-old son.

A couldn’t hear them anymore, but it was obvious that this young boy had more questions. I watched as his dad, leaned over and explained what he could. He was a caring, young father, and I admired how he handled his son’s basket of questions about this difficult topic.

This scenario put everything into perspective for me.  I’m usually on the “Gratitude Train,” but there are those moments when I slip off into the poor me’s.  It doesn’t last long, and oftentimes I’ll be privy to something like what I saw today — which allows me to climb right back on!

IMG_3344It’s the old story:  Walk in someone else’s moccasins, and invariably, you’ll take your own shoes back!

Here I am, grateful that I have Diabetes — could be a LOT worse, my friends.   🙂