What a great summer we’re having. Remember to BUY LOCAL!  I’ve been shopping my local farm stands, and they’re chock full of fabulous fruits and veggies. Take advantage of the abundance of these fresh, colorful and healthy fruits and vegetables.

Zucchini was never my favorite, but when I had my first zucchini fry, it was LOVE.  BUT, I’m pretty much off fried foods, so I had to search for an alternative.  Baking was the answer.  We can still have the foods we want, without the tons of oil.  Perfect!

What’s better than FRIED zucchini?  “FRIED” zucchini — just bake them.  I was at Meyer’s Farms the other day, and I bought Golden Zucchini.  The color was amazing.  Much brighter than the usual yellow zucchini.

GOLDEN zucchini, RED and YELLOW tomatoes from Meyers Farm!
GOLDEN zucchini, RED and YELLOW tomatoes from Meyers Farm!

Here’s the recipe (it’s a video).  This one uses parmigiana cheese (you can skip it, if you’d like). Baked zucchini fries are awesome — try it, you’ll like it!  🙂