I’ve never thought about it — have you?

My journey throughout the Wonderful World of Diabetes has brought me to various conclusions, but also has evoked  countless emotions and questions.  So, asking myself, What Does Diabetes Look Like? kind of stopped me in my tracks.  It was interesting.  I sat, brush in hand, not knowing where to begin. I’ve never taken a class where there was NO judgment. Like many, I was afraid of making a mistake.  In her class, as well as in the book, Barbara stresses that there are no mistakes.


I had to dig deep to complete this assignment.  As I told you in my last post, I’m taking an art class that expects — no, REQUIRES — the students to take a look “inside.”  The course, Painting Your Way Out of a Corner — The Art of Getting Unstuck,” is also the title of Barbara Diane Barry’s book.  She’s an artist, teacher and author and from what I can see, she’s outstanding in each of those categories.

I took a Watercolor Journaling course last year that helped me explore diabetes, in terms of alternatives to eating, particularly to making bad choices in snacks.  That journal allowed me to write and paint and explore the various things that I was doing to avoid eating the “wrong” foods, as well as activities that I COULD do to achieve that end.  Any hobby/craft that I could work on that would keep my hands and mind occupied, helped me. It helped when I crocheted and when I learned how to quilt and got into beading.  All of those crafts helped. (Maybe the answer IS in the arts and crafts.) Then, when I added the Watercolor Journaling, another level was included in my repertoire.  🙂

But, THIS IS DIFFERENT.  There are no words, “only” artistic expression of feelings. This is an incredibly relaxing and stress-free demonstration of emotion.  Makes you think, right?  🙂


I’ve been working on What Diabetes LOOKS Like, at least from my perspective.  Here it is:  Remember — no judgment.   🙂

My challenge to you folks, is to give it a shot — not insulin, ART!  Trying something new, can’t hurt!  It might help you to explore your health and build it to a higher, more positive level.  Seems to be helping me.


P.S.  A HUGE thank you to Barbara D. Barry