Tomorrow = a few days…

So, I’m not perfect. (You knew that.) In my last post I said, proclaimed, announced, that my attitude will be better “tomorrow.” Well my tomorrow took three days. Ugh! That’s the bad news. The good news is that my attitude is much better today!

I think I wasn’t eating enough. I ate and the food choices were appropriate, but my timing was WAY off. For instance, I may have skipped breakfast — I believe that it really IS the most important meal of the day. Eating that meal at ten o’clock is absurd, especially if you’ve been up since seven or eight a.m. That’s what’s been  happening. For some reason, I haven’t been hungry when I wake up, so I did some chores and then –POOF– it’s ten or eleven o’clock. Because it was almost lunch time, I decided to skip breakfast and just eat lunch instead. Then, later on when lunch time came around the corner, I wasn’t hungry…SO…I waited until around three or four and had a snack. Needless to say, dinner time came barrelling in and I couldn’t have cared less. Bottom line — I was eating dinner at eight or nine o’clock, if at all. THAT is not the route that a “Dedicated Diabetic” should be following. Okay, so that’s over!

I’m allergic to eggs, so breakfast has never been a nutritious meal for me, and since I was diagnosed, it’s been even more difficult. I actually spent years (pre-diagnosis) having a Boston Creme donut (or two!) to start my day.  It was an easy choice, terribly unhealthy,  but easy. 🙂

Breakfast is so important — it means BREAK the FAST! We need a nutritious meal in the morning to give our bodies the energy needed to start off the day. I’ve been so frustrated that the other day I bought a glucose daily diary/notebook. (Thank you Amazon.) Was that necessary? Not really, I’ve monitored my blood sugar with an online program, charts that I created, with tiny notebooks that fit into my purse, but didn’t have enough room to put the information I wanted to monitor. Oh, yes, I’ve been down this road before. Somewhere deep in the crevices of my brain, there’s a small voice that is SCREAMING, Why waste your time, you’ve done this before?  I scream back SHUT UP! and do what I think is necessary and correct. This journal/chart is about 6 x 9″ and will suit my needs. It  just seemed to be more coordinated, compact, and the information will be at hand when I need to make an entry.  Today will be my Day #One with this new “tool.” I’m laughing at myself, because I’m reminded of all the books on decluttering I’ve purchased — Do you know how much time I wasted reading those books instead of purging/decluttering?  🙂  🙂

Diabetes can often seem to be frustrating, even depressing. I think the only way to do battle with it, is to be prepared. An organized journal, healthy shopping list and a positive attitude might just do the trick. “Might” is not the appropriate term; it leaves space for failure. I’ll choose to say that these tools WILL do the trick.


The time to start (AGAIN) is NOW!!!!


All About Attitude…

Seriously — I walk, I don’t walk.

Exercise = IMPORTANT


I read the labels, I don’t read the labels,



I eat, I don’t eat.



I care, I don’t care.IMG_2323

IMG_3214            …and TODAY, mine stinks!

At an appointment with my doctor on Friday, she reviewed my blood work and was thrilled — my A1C was 6.1, down from 6.6 three months ago. I was disappointed, “I just want to see 5. something!”  [I know! I know! There are people who would kill for my numbers.] My reality is that I REALLY want to get off the Metformin. I’ve gone from three pills to two per day — I want NONE! Is that realistic? Well, when I asked my doctor (about six months ago), if she thought it was possible, her response was, “You’ve done it before.” NOT a huge vote of confidence but, she didn’t say it wasn’t likely. She loves my motivation — today is NOT one of those days. I’m allowed to have a miserable day, aren’t I? 😦

This T2D will keep moving on. I’ll walk this afternoon, make the right decision for dinner and start all over again — One day at a time.

I’ll have a MUCH more positive attitude tomorrow.

I swear I will! 🙂





How to Celebrate…

…ANYTHING! It’s been a pretty busy summer, especially in terms of food. There were birthdays, retirements, graduations, new babies — you name it. They all add up to FOOD!

For the most part, I used PORTION CONTROL. I’m convinced the answer lies in the amount of food we eat:

At home it’s easy — I simply use luncheon plates instead of dinner plates — that, and no seconds, usually works.

At a friend’s home, I certainly can’t control the size of dinnerware they use. In that case, I drink a big ol’ glass of water before  I approach the buffet (sometimes I down the H20 before I leave home). When dinner is served, I survey the table and choose the foods that I like the most. I totally ignore anything that’s not on the top of my list of favorites — no wasted calories for me!

In a restaurant, at a sit down dinner, I ask for a to-go box when I order. This eliminates any issues — when the dinner comes, I simply take half of everything and place it in the container. No embarrassment!  Experience has shown me that many of the people at the table will follow my lead. Later they thank me for the ingenious idea — I give credit where it’s due: My sister taught me that “little didie” and it works every time. Try it! You’ll see — by the time you’re finished your 1/2 dinner, you’re full. You’ll be even happier in the next day or two when you get to eat the delicious left overs. (Why is it that everything tastes better the next day?) I don’t understand people who won’t eat leftovers. Different strokes, I guess.

We’re discussing CELEBRATING an occasion; that always calls for a cake. Most times the hosts have a beautiful bowl of fruit, along with the cake, cookies, and other assorted no-no’s. Truth is, the cake always SCREAMS my name — Kathy! I’m over here. Ugh. It’s torture. Here’s what I’ve done this summer.  I put a small serving of fruit on my dessert plate first, (I always cut the fruit up into smaller pieces — it just looks like there’s more than there is.) now there’s room for a tiny piece of cake.  That’s it, and I’m a happy 🙂 woman!

How could I not be comfortable with those decisions?  I haven’t deprived myself of anything, so there should be no cravings. YEA!

Hoping you have a great time enjoying your CELEBRATIONS!