If Vegetarians Can Do It, So Can I!

I recently read an article in Prevention Guide. The theme was Sugar Detox Made Easy — yeah, right! 🙂


I keep telling myself, you’ve done it before, and you can do it again. That’s absolutely true, so what’s my problem? Maybe, my issues are because I’m doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Isn’t that the definition of INSANITY!

My answer to that dilemma is to branch out, in terms of my research. I bought this magazine sometime in January. I’ll admit to skimming it; like that ever worked… This time around, I read it cover to cover and back again.

Author Aviva Patz wrote, Your Step-by-Step Detox Plan. In fact, she had a slew of helpful hints to formulate an action plan. Action Plan? I didn’t sign up for an Action Plan. However, her program consists of things to DO to help in dealing with diabetes, to overcome the addiction. She talked about the importance of writing down a Manifesto. WHAT? C’mon, I’m a busy woman. I don’t have time for this nonsense! And then, the little voice inside me reminded me that I always have time to eat cookies, and cakes, and candy, Oh, My! Developing a manifesto took about three minutes, and consisted of writing the pros and cons of quitting sugar, and the same for NOT quitting sugar. She recommends keeping your notes nearby for when that temptation creeps in.

Ms. Patz talked about replacing the addictive food with something palatable but not as unhealthy. Example: Fruit — still sweet, so it will stomp out the cravings, while eating healthy nutrients. (Be careful. There is such a thing as having too much of a good thing.) Easy does it — fruit will absolutely effect your blood sugar levels. The goal is to maintain a balance.

I’ll be writing about Patz’ article for a number of days. She presents some great healthy alternatives to poor choices, and I’ll be passing them along to you.

Of all her suggestions, one jumped out at me — why didn’t I think of this??? She suggests that we don’t use the words “I can’t” when sugar is offered to us. Sounds like my usual, “I can’t have dessert, I’m diabetic.” waaa, waaaaah, waaaaaah, poor Kathy… Instead of the “poor me” response, Patz advises us to simply say, “I don’t eat refined sugar.” Simple, to the point. She compares the dilemma to that of the VEGETARIAN who easily states, “I don’t eat meat.” She’s right! It’s a choice — OUR choice! It makes perfect sense. It’s empowering. The decision is ours and the words, “I can’t,” give away our power and weaken our resolve. It’s brilliant! Obviously, this is an easy change in behavior and will likely end with the person offering the sweets to back down. Sounds good to me. No more pity party when the host cuts the cake.  🙂

“I don’t eat refined sugar.” Period!

My sincere thanks to Aviva Patz for an article that was not only motivating, but also made sense.


Saturday, July 30, 2016

MONDAY is August 1st, and I have a great idea!


In my last post, I discussed logging my blood sugar levels (and my weight — forgot that one), my food intake, walking — everything possible to keep my regimen on track and working like a well-oiled machine. I am well aware that none of this is NEW to this Type 2 Diabetic.

My great idea is this — I will consider August, the NEW YEAR! Yep — like every January, starting over. I know every day is Day #1 on this Diabetes Trail but, for me AUGUST will be MY new year! I’ll be doing all the things noted above to get back on track (again) and August will be the month for me to take care of myself. Then, I’ll move that process into the other eleven months of the year.

I just started a list for Monday:

  1. Call for an appointment for a massage! I feel better already! Usually, when I go for a massage, I buy a package of three. It’s NOT inexpensive, but I’m worth it! Also, I know that, if I have them already purchased, I’ll really go.  So, THAT’S #1 on my list.  (Everyone is different, so check with your doctor.)
  2. Call for an appointment to get my hair cut and colored. I’m going to be broke after the first week of August is over but, Oh Well.  Again, I’m worth it, damn it! 🙂
  3. Call for a nail appointment! Manicure and pedicure — top to bottom. 🙂


TAKING CARE OF #1…………………………………………………THAT WOULD BE ME!