Here’s My Chance…

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Turning the clock back and, with the extra hour in the morning, I’m hoping to get my sleep schedule on track. I’d love to say, “BACK on track,” but that wouldn’t be truthful. My sleep patterns/habits are horrendous — I’m a night owl. I’ve tried to change that for years, but to no avail.


Going to bed at a decent time is the most difficult part for me. As an adult, I’ve always gone to bed after midnight. My sleep pattern is usually somewhere between 3 to 5 hours, if I’m lucky. I’ve tried developing a routine; i.e., early to bed, early to rise… A cup of hot caffeine-free tea, a dull book, meditation, a warm bath, ocean sounds,  DSCN0467a mist of lavender spray, or a warm shower before bed. I’ve set the alarm for an early hour, with the plan of starting my day with a walk. Up and at ’em, is what I’ve attempted. “Attempted” is the operative word. Attempted, but with little or no success.  😦

ANY SUGGESTIONS? Do you have the same issue?   IMG_4369

WHY is this so important to me???  I believe that sleep, or the lack thereof, effects everything — including diabetes.

So, with that in mind, this Type 2 Diabetic is off to bed. Wish me luck!



August 1st — HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)

Monday, August 1, 2016

As promised, this morning, I put my best foot forward —  DAY #1! 


Started out by checking my blood sugar = 106, weight = 137.0 lbs. Continued 3x during the course of the day. Numbers were level.

Drank 4 oz. of V-8 juice.

Walked from 8:30 – 9:15, in between the rain drops.


Returned home and had breakfast (1/2 peach, 1 slice whole wheat bread/peanut butter) This is the most difficult meal of the day for me. I’m allergic to eggs — everyone’s favorite breakfast food! I’ll be working on finding alternatives for healthy breakfasts.

Jumped in the shower, then off to my writing group  (11 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Dr. app’t 2:00 p.m

Oops — lunch? Didn’t happen.  😦   Got to dr. office early. Chinese take out across the street. I ran in and got a cup of chicken/rice soup. (ate half.  It’s something…)

5:00 p.m. — HIT THE BRAKES — Kathy:  You’re diabetic — EAT!

5:30 p.m. — Prepare and eat dinner. (bowl barley, vegetable soup/a few saltine crackers.

7:00 p.m. — Dessert (sugar-free pudding. Dollop of whipped cream).

SLOW DOWNbedtime routine.  This is the most difficult time of the day for me. Why? because most people would refer to it as “bed”time but I’m just getting rolling. My plan is to start to slow down around 8:00 p.m. and actually go to bed at 10:00 p.m.  I brought a cup of chamomile tea to bed with me and started to read.  Perfect, right? It would have been, except that I realized I hadn’t finished my blog. I broke the #1 Sacred Rule of Nighttime Routine — I grabbed my laptop. Ugh. I know better than that! Quickly, I finished this post and now, it’s off to bed for this Type 2 Diabetic.

A quick spray or two of my Lavender and Vanilla Pillow Mist, and off to sleep I go.

Tomorrow? I’ll start over and improve each aspect all the way through the day!

Sleep tight!