Dr. Visit…

Ugh. I’ve not been looking forward to this.

Last week I went for my blood work so my doctor would have it prior to my visit. Friday was my appointment.

She was thrilled. My blood work was great. A1C = 6.6. She was happy, I was disappointed, actually, amazed!  “If you saw what I’ve been eating, you’d never believe that’s accurate.” Dr. G responded, “It will catch up to you, you know that.”  Yeah, yeah. I didn’t respond — she’s ALWAYS right.

For awhile now, I’ve been taking two Metformin instead of three. My goal is to get off them completely. The ONLY way to do that is to stay on track — no diversions. Lately, I’ve been the Queen of Diversions! 

A little over a week ago denial crept in (with a vengeance). I actually ate potato chips and onion dip. 😦  It didn’t kill me, but what a stupid decision. And then there was the pie…cookies… Yes, I didn’t fall off the “wagon” I took a deep-dive plunge. Ugh.

The good news is, I’m back to healthy choices. If I have to have desserts, I’ll be heading to my sugar free Jello or small portions of fresh fruit.

Just remember there is such a thing as TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING (fruit can fall right into that category!)

Monitor glucose regularly

Obviously, I didn’t do too much damage, or 6.6 would have been WAY higher. I absolutely do NOT want to go back to 3 Metformin/day, so I’m re-committing myself again to staying on track — DAMN IT! It’s all about accountability, as always. There’s no hiding those numbers and not taking my blood sugar, is just plain irresponsible. I’m determined.

I know that when I’m dedicated and determined, I get involved in a project using my hands. I know when I do the artsy/craftsy thing, I won’t snack/eat the wrong foods.

I know that when I sit and watch TV, I’m putting myself at risk. Gigunda risk!!! I become bored and troll the cabinets for something “bad.” Rarely do I find anything, because I don’t buy the foods/snacks that I know I shouldn’t be eating. I wish I could tell you that I give up and go back to watching the tube. That would not be true. There are times when I cave. I’ve walked and driven to the corner store or the gas station for a candy bar to “tide me over.”  (I sound like a drug addict. Well, sugar IS a drug!) .

Diabetes sucks. Yes, it does. BUT, there are worse diseases, that’s for sure! So, I’ll be grateful and get back on the bike and do the right thing — one day at a time.


This disease is one heck of a roller-coaster, that’s for sure. Better days ahead.

Back to DAY #1!



Saturday, July 30, 2016

MONDAY is August 1st, and I have a great idea!


In my last post, I discussed logging my blood sugar levels (and my weight — forgot that one), my food intake, walking — everything possible to keep my regimen on track and working like a well-oiled machine. I am well aware that none of this is NEW to this Type 2 Diabetic.

My great idea is this — I will consider August, the NEW YEAR! Yep — like every January, starting over. I know every day is Day #1 on this Diabetes Trail but, for me AUGUST will be MY new year! I’ll be doing all the things noted above to get back on track (again) and August will be the month for me to take care of myself. Then, I’ll move that process into the other eleven months of the year.

I just started a list for Monday:

  1. Call for an appointment for a massage! I feel better already! Usually, when I go for a massage, I buy a package of three. It’s NOT inexpensive, but I’m worth it! Also, I know that, if I have them already purchased, I’ll really go.  So, THAT’S #1 on my list.  (Everyone is different, so check with your doctor.)
  2. Call for an appointment to get my hair cut and colored. I’m going to be broke after the first week of August is over but, Oh Well.  Again, I’m worth it, damn it! 🙂
  3. Call for a nail appointment! Manicure and pedicure — top to bottom. 🙂


TAKING CARE OF #1…………………………………………………THAT WOULD BE ME!