Yep, the Fourth of July is tomorrow! I’m grateful for the liberties we enjoy in the USA — life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We’re incredibly fortunate. The Founding Fathers certainly knew what they were doing, that’s for sure.

How do we celebrate the 4th? We raise the FLAG, think PATRIOTISM, and fire up the GRILL!

This can be a great holiday for T2D’s. Grilled foods are in abundance. The choices will be extensive. If you’re hosting a BBQ, you can make sure that the healthy choices are on your table. Google healthy salads — you’ll find some recipes you didn’t expect. Be sure to have a colorful bowl of  fruit on hand. Then, you’re all set!


If you’re going to someone else’s feast, don’t go empty-handed. To keep yourself (and your blood glucose level) “safe,” arrive with one of those salads you googled and some fruit (just to be sure).

CAUTION: It’s not the fruits and vegetables that will “get” you. It’s the dressings. So use your trusty computer to find some fat free/sugar free choices.

I make sure I drink LOTS of water to stay hydrated.

You’re going to have a great time! I NEVER remember, so I’m saying it OUT LOUD: Remember the SUN SCREEN. 🙂





Mindfulness! …or not.

Sometimes we just get involved in doing whatever nonsense we’re doing. In other words, not paying attention to what’s important (good health, for instance). I was just online, checking my e-mails, Facebook, listening to a TED Talk, etc., etc.  NOT doing more important things — like making dinner for instance.

All of a sudden, I felt like garbage — you know the feeling, if you’re diabetic. When I got up from the table, my legs felt heavy. I looked at the clock — 7:30. When was lunch? Did I eat lunch? Ugh. Of course, I checked my blood sugar immediately because, like any long-term diabetic, I knew where it was. The glucometer read 68! Now, for many of you, that sounds great, right? For me, when I go below 100, I feel crummy — weak, clammy. I couldn’t care less what the “norm” is. I know what’s right for me. Low blood sugar is no joke.

I don’t know when the last time was that I had orange juice in my refrigerator. WAY too high in sugar. However, I bought it last week because I had a hankering for Chicken a l’orange. The remaining OJ has been sitting in there ever since. So, I drank a glass and almost immediately I felt like myself again.

As soon as my glucose level rose, I cooked dinner — salmon, spinach and beets. I’m back to “normal.”  🙂

The topic of this post is MINDFULNESS for a reason. Not being mindful about what I’m doing is usually what gets me in trouble. We all do it — misplacing things, losing track of time. The importance of mindfulness, I’ve learned, can’t be stressed enough. Focusing is imperative. I’ve learned that being aware — acutely aware — makes for a more balanced life.


That lack of mindfulness is what caused my blood sugar to drop. NO excuse for that. The good news is that, because it happened, I’m reminded to pay strict attention and be mindful in EVERY area of my life. Scheduling healthy meals and staying on track HAS to be uppermost in my thoughts. Get with it, Kathy!

Gotta go — my salmon’s ready! Yummmmm.


Day #2, 2017! 5 Steps to Keeping on Track

Can you believe it? 2017!

It’s so cliché, but time REALLY does fly. My plan is to make the most — on EVERY level — of 2017. This T2D will beat the hell out of her A1C.  🙂

Cleaning out my refrigerator and freezer is how I started my day. Then, I moved on to food shopping to be sure my cupboards are filled with healthy choices. NO excuses!

I made a batch of sugar-free raspberry Jello, in an effort to be prepared when the sugar beast invades my brain! Sugar-free jello seems to calm “him” down.


I have visions of him “dancing in my head” — NOT “sugar-plum fairies,” the Sugar BEAST! But, it’s okay. I’m prepared to “take care of him” in 2017. BRING IT ON, BEAST!  🙂

Next on my agenda is to create a pot of piping hot Vegetable Barley Soup. It’s threatening to get colder here in the Northeast, and I’ll be ready.  I love to make soup and freeze individual portions. It just makes life easier, and the individual portions help to keep my blood sugar levels in check.

Exercise = IMPORTANT

My walking buddy and I conferred and we’re starting 2017 off on the “right foot” (pun intended)!  We’ll have to walk the mall, but it really doesn’t matter as long as one foot is planted firmly in front of the other! Walking is the #1 way to lower my blood sugar — works EVERY time.

Monitoring my blood sugar has to be at the top of my list, even though it’s a ROYAL pain in the butt. The bottom line is that I know when I write it down (my definition of “monitoring”), I have a MUCH better chance of staying on track.


So, here’s how 2017 is shaking out thus far. I will be keeping on track by following these 5 STEPS:

  1.  Keeping diabetes-friendly foods, not just in the cabinets but, prepared to eat at any time.
  2. Maintaining awareness of the SUGAR BEAST lurking around every corner.
  3. Preparing and freezing individual portions of foods. Portion control is imperative, if I am to succeed on this journey.
  4. Exercising: God bless my “walking buddy,” Maureen,  — she keeps me accountable. You too can have one — ask around!
  5. Monitoring my blood sugar.

There are MANY PATHS we can take on this journey

with lots twists and turns and forks in the road but, with the support of other Type 2 Diabetics, I believe we can make healthy choices and be successful.

There are a multitude of  choices — let’s take the right path towards a healthy diabetic life!

GOOD LUCK in 2017, folks!






“FUNK” — U!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

So there!!!        IMG_4375

That’s how I’ve been feeling — in a funk.  Tired, aggravated with the world, you know the deal. We’ve all been there.

Not being a very patient person,…I want/need OUT of this feeling, NOW!  Ah, patience. Not one of my virtues. I guess I’m frustrated because I’ve been working hard at beating the hell out of my T2D, desperately trying to get off the medication. I expected to feel great by now (always in a rush…)  I have a B12 deficiency, so I had the blood work done yesterday to determine if that’s the issue at hand. I hope so. That’s an easy fix.

When I got up this morning, I headed for John’s Farms for some fishIMG_4422— “brain food,” right? Maybe that’ll help. I bought swordfish, which I LOVE grilled.  Next, I drove to my absolute favorite local farm — Meyer’s. I stocked up on some of their fantastic zucchini — the golden zucchini is amazing. I swear the attraction for me is the color, not just the taste. They’re such a rich, golden shade of yellow —  beautiful. 🙂

Thanks to my nephew, Keith, (I like to refer to him as “Farmer Keith”). He’s got some “Green Thumb!”  Thanks, Keith, for an outrageous supply of bright red, scrumptious, cherry tomatoes. Mouthwatering — OMG — they’re incredible! I could eat them like candy, but — oops, oh yeah, diabetes. I paired these jewels of his “farm” with some amazing zucchini, and the result was a casserole that, at this very moment, smells FANTABULOUS!!! Can’t wait ’til it comes out of the oven.

Do you hear a change in my “tone?” I do. Just taking the actions that I took today, are causing an improvement in my attitude. Music helps too — Hoping the “Funk” departs — SOON!

Watch for my next post. I’ll include a photo of the finished product. If it’s tasty, I’ll include the recipe!  🙂





There goes July…swoosh!

Saturday, July 30th, 2016

That went fast!  July just flew by — August still ahead, and I’m going to take advantage of it. Living in the northeast is a treat at this time of year.  Everything’s is bloom…

The colors are beautiful and invigorating.

My heart races when I enter the fruit/vegetable market.

Soon, my “Dental Dilemma”       IMG_4427will be at an end (HOPING!), and I can get back to eating properly.  Can’t wait!  Dental issues can be a real problem for a T2D, but it’s almost over.  Thinking positively.

It’s all good — or at least it WILL be. One day at a time.  Here’s where I go to reclaim my serenity.

Have a great day, folks!

Food and Friendship

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Going to a friend’s home for dinner, who does NOT have diabetes,  and being served a diabetic-friendly meal, is the definition of FRIENDSHIP!

Friday night, whether you work, go to school, or are retired, is the night when oftentimes people are just plain pooped! That was me last night.

Large crocheted afghan

Nothing would have made me happier than to curl up on the couch with an afghan, a cup of tea, and a book. Sound boring? Not to me; not last night. But, a commitment is a commitment. I dragged my body into the shower, got dressed, put a smile on my face and was off to an evening with some great friends.  I didn’t regret it.

As is with most times when I don’t “feel” like doing something, it was spectacular!    Good friends, fabulous food, and lots of laughter is the perfect recipe for a most enjoyable evening.


I don’t drink anything but water with either lemon or lime and that’s what I floated in all night.  Iced cold H2O was sublime.



Simplicity was the key. Tired friends gathered together to “break bread,” and have some laughs — simple.

It was perfect.

Our hostess served a colorful display of a variety of cheeses, thinly sliced, paired with Water Crackers. A basic hors d’oeuvres that appealed to this weary group of revelers.

Oh, how I wish I’d thought to take pictures of what was to come—

We moved on to an incredible dinner.  SIMPLE, really simple = wonderful! Are you ready? The entree consisted of two PIZZAS!  Wait.  I thought you said a “diabetes-friendly meal.”  Oh, it was!

There, on an enormous white oval-shaped platter, sat slices of two different types of mouth-watering pizza. The first was tomato based, sprinkled with a small amount of melted mozzarella, basil, and a touch of oregano. The second pie “wore” a coat of finely chopped spinach, dotted with tiny speckles of warm mozzarella. How is this a friend to the diabetic?  The secret was in the crust — the thinnest, crispiest pizza crust I’ve ever seen.  Like paper, browned to perfection!  Freshly grated parmigiana was served in a lovely, small glass bowl, that rested off to the side of the table — there for the taking, if you so desired.

Then, the piece de resistance.  A huge, white ceramic serving dish, filled to the brim with piping hot pieces of butternut squash covered with chopped kale, was placed, with a certain reverence, on the end of the table by our hostess. If I had been standing, I would have genuflected!  Ooo’s and Ah’s prevailed as we each took our share (maybe more).

Later, with tea, our hostess-with-the-mostess served dessert. Her homemade pound cake, gelato (I passed on that, I promise!), and something she’d never made before. Only a BRAVE person would serve an “untried” dessert to her guests, right? She is courageous, but also a Gourmet Cook, so not to worry — it was superb. Perfect for the diabetic guest, it was homemade sugar-free jello (not the boxed stuff I’d make). This was prepared on the stovetop with sugar free gelatin, water, unsweetened apple juice, and pureed strawberries.  After it set, our friend topped each individual serving with blueberries, raspberries and a small dollop of whipped cream. I THANKED THE GODS OF “DELICIOUS,” because that’s what it was!

It’s a real friend who looks out for the health of her BFF’s. Thanks, Jane, for an evening of good company, intelligent conversation, an incredible dinner, and LOTS of laughs!


Blood Sugar  =  98             Weight = 153.4    Nope — impossible considering what I’ve eaten! Time for a new ——->—–>—–>—–>IMG_4436

DIABETES — It’s Complicated…

Thursday, March 24, 2016

…but, I’m using my BRAIN!  You know, to sort things out, organize my diabetic needs, in the interest of good health.  In my prior post, I spoke about responsibility.  Sleep habits, healthy foods, and exercise, fall into that category and MUST be a priority in my life and, I  accept complete responsibility for each sector.  This really IS the way to good diabetes management and great glucose levels.

I walked this morning — first thing.  Ugh. I hated every minute, but I did it; NO CHOICE.

Started WALKING — again!

Food planning, I’ve FINALLY accepted it is imperative to avoid “slips.” I went shopping today with lunch and dinner menus a priority.  My freezer is chock full of chicken and fish, so my basket was filled mostly with vegetables and fruits.

Breakfast is the most difficult meal of the day for me. Why? Chocolate chip pancakes, waffles, of course!  Either would be my choice. This is the ONE MEAL that is a problem for me, and it’s not a new dilemma. I’m allergic to eggs, so there’s that. I like most foods, but my issue is the consistency of some of them — cottage cheese, for example, oatmeal, yogurt, anything mushy or gushy — I just can’t get them down.  What to do? Any suggestions? The “most important meal of the day” (or so THEY say) is the one that I can’t seem to resolve. HELP! PLEASE, I’m pleading with you! 


Regarding organization, new recipes are vital for me to keep interested in food preparation;  I’ve been scouting the Internet for different ones.  I’ll share of my T2D epicurean delights, as I make them  🙂  Variety is the spice of life!

I’m determined and dedicated to use my BRAIN to carve out my path to successful diabetes management!


About my BREAKFAST DILEMMA, seriously, if you have any ideas, I’d be thrilled to hear them.  THANKS!!!

Blood Sugar = 86        Weight = 148




Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It’s incredible the impact the weather can have on us.  The SUN was out today, and I felt like a million dollars $$$.

KODAK Digital Still Camera
What a difference a day makes!

I ate healthy food — breakfast, lunch, dinner. (Okay, lunch did include french fries — but I didn’t eat many of them).  Many posts ago, I declared — the French Fries will NEVER go.  I figure it in with my carbs.

Tonight the MOON was enormous and as full as it could be. The STARS glittered across the sky, predicting good weather for tomorrow and an increase in romance tonight — a star-filled sky has that effect, doesn’t it?

The forecast in my area is sunny with some clouds and 66 degrees for Wednesday, March 23, and I CAN’T WAIT!  You know where I’ll be headed…

What a difference a day makes!

Bill from Simple Living Over 50 has been posting about the effect of the time change on his routine.  It’s pretty incredible — how the world turns…  Check out his blog!  It’s interesting, inventive, and he’s also a T2D.   Spring ahead/Fall back definitely has it’s effect on our moods, appetite, sleeping habits — the whole Magilla!  With it, though, comes the change in weather; in my area = SUN, FINALLY! The sunnier, warmer weather conditions are improving everyone’s mood, that’s for sure. Even the grocery stores seem move civilized than in the past few months.

The SUN, the MOON (huge tonight!) and the STARS all fit into the way our lives “spin.”

Have a good one, folks, and enjoy the nice weather. SOON, very soon, our stores will be filled with local vegetables and fruits — FRIENDS OF THE DIABETICS! — and we’ll be eating and feeling healthier.

Blood Sugar = 109        Weight = 149.2 lbs.




LOL! Winter? Spring? What to eat?

Monday, March 21, 2016

In my post from last night, I told you about my fears for my daffodils.  I was pretty sure what the effect the snow would have on them.  😦   We got about 2 1/2″ of the white stuff; so, not too bad.

THIS was MY vision of Spring, 2016.










Here’s Mother Nature’s vision…


Oh, Mother Nature, you have some sense of humor!  








Yesterday, I mentioned that salads don’t do it for me in the winter, they just don’t. Here’s my  COMMITMENT  for today:  IF the temperatures live up to the predictions — 50’s, 60’s for the rest of the week — This T2D WILL dive back into my salads!

P R O M I S E!






Blood Sugar:   111     Weight:   147.4 lbs.     (Thinking my scale must be broken. NO WAY did I lose that much wait in one day!  Will give it a couple of days — to bask in the “denial,” then I’ll buy a new one).    😦

Not looking too happy, but the snow IS melting!  ^ ^ ^ ^   🙂



Spring — Holy Cow!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

This baby finally opened completely this morning.  So pretty.  For a moment, I actually believed that Spring had Sprung!



But, Alas! It’s 10:00 p.m. and the view from my bedroom windows looks more like New Years than Spring.  IT’S SNOWING!  I know it was predicted, but I was in denial — Big time.  I just made a mistake and checked the weather station. What was I thinking???  My area is expected to get 2 – 6 inches of the white stuff!


My poor baby daffodil will probably be dead by morning, along with its “siblings” and the lone crocus, “twins,” cold and covered by the…”S” word.




I’m telling myself, —it will be fine, soon it will be beach weather, and this will have just been a bad dream.  Soon.

AND, as the weather warms up, so will my diabetes management routine.  Lots of rough spots this winter; I’ve admitted it. I flipped and flopped like crazy, but I gave it my best shot.

I LOVE salads in the summer but they just don’t do it for me when the weather’s cold.  Tonight’s dinner was grilled swordfish, asparagus, and a slice of tomato. That’s it.  It was good and my walk, prior to dinner, added to my appetite. But, remember, it’s the walk after dinner that will help to lower blood sugar levels.

Looking forward to the “real” spring — it’s coming, I just know it!  🙂

Blood Sugar = 130   Weight: 150.2 lbs.