There’s always a Silver Lining…

I’ve been sick. You know, “praying for death” sick. 😦

Some evil “stomach bug” crept into my system and took over. You don’t want the details. My blood sugar was all over the place. I tried the “natural” route, but I was only able to live in one room in my house (…the room with the echo), so finally, I called my doctor who told me to only eat crackers, dry toast (if I’m hungry — which I’m not), and drink 1/2 water and 1/2 Low Calorie Gatorade for a few days, to avoid dehydration and to give my intestines a break. In the end (no pun intended), I was in the waiting room of a gastroenterologist. She sent me for a ton of tests, the results of which I won’t get ’til Thursday, if I’m lucky.

But, she also gave me a medicine that “calmed” everything down, in the meantime. Thank God!!! That pain was a killer — my poor body. She wanted me to eat more; the thought was disgusting. She added plain chicken, turkey, baked potato. Ugh. She was right, eating a bit more did help.

With every situation, we learn something, right? (Not that I haven’t learned this before…) When I have a stomach issue, I hate the thought of food — including, my addictive junk foods. It’s been 8 days now and I haven’t had a thought about (my drug of choice) sugar. Nothing, Nada. I feel like I’ve been in a rehab for carboholics/sugar addicts.

Do you know what? The Sugar Beast had nothing to do with my being ill but, I’m going to take advantage of this situation, grab onto my proverbial detox and hold on for dear life!


Seriously, regardless of the results of the testing, I want to be done with sugar — SO DONE. Being sick just brought this to the forefront of my mind (again, I say again!). This Type 2 Diabetic’s plan is to do everything in my power to steer clear of it. I know, I know, we’ve all said it before.

I see this “Silver Lining” as a gift, and I’m going to wrap myself in it — like a soft, satin, protective shield. It will be difficult — if anything, I’m NOT naive. I know it’s really hard (at least for me) not to get dragged into a sugar feast, but, the way I’m looking at it, I’ve got a head start, and I’m grateful for it.


I’ve got the motivation, now I have to get back to developing the habit...AGAIN. Every day really is DAY #1.

My sister’s birthday is coming and that will be my first “real” test. Wish me luck!

I take it back — no “luck” needed. 🙂

Dr. Visit…

Ugh. I’ve not been looking forward to this.

Last week I went for my blood work so my doctor would have it prior to my visit. Friday was my appointment.

She was thrilled. My blood work was great. A1C = 6.6. She was happy, I was disappointed, actually, amazed!  “If you saw what I’ve been eating, you’d never believe that’s accurate.” Dr. G responded, “It will catch up to you, you know that.”  Yeah, yeah. I didn’t respond — she’s ALWAYS right.

For awhile now, I’ve been taking two Metformin instead of three. My goal is to get off them completely. The ONLY way to do that is to stay on track — no diversions. Lately, I’ve been the Queen of Diversions! 

A little over a week ago denial crept in (with a vengeance). I actually ate potato chips and onion dip. 😦  It didn’t kill me, but what a stupid decision. And then there was the pie…cookies… Yes, I didn’t fall off the “wagon” I took a deep-dive plunge. Ugh.

The good news is, I’m back to healthy choices. If I have to have desserts, I’ll be heading to my sugar free Jello or small portions of fresh fruit.

Just remember there is such a thing as TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING (fruit can fall right into that category!)

Monitor glucose regularly

Obviously, I didn’t do too much damage, or 6.6 would have been WAY higher. I absolutely do NOT want to go back to 3 Metformin/day, so I’m re-committing myself again to staying on track — DAMN IT! It’s all about accountability, as always. There’s no hiding those numbers and not taking my blood sugar, is just plain irresponsible. I’m determined.

I know that when I’m dedicated and determined, I get involved in a project using my hands. I know when I do the artsy/craftsy thing, I won’t snack/eat the wrong foods.

I know that when I sit and watch TV, I’m putting myself at risk. Gigunda risk!!! I become bored and troll the cabinets for something “bad.” Rarely do I find anything, because I don’t buy the foods/snacks that I know I shouldn’t be eating. I wish I could tell you that I give up and go back to watching the tube. That would not be true. There are times when I cave. I’ve walked and driven to the corner store or the gas station for a candy bar to “tide me over.”  (I sound like a drug addict. Well, sugar IS a drug!) .

Diabetes sucks. Yes, it does. BUT, there are worse diseases, that’s for sure! So, I’ll be grateful and get back on the bike and do the right thing — one day at a time.


This disease is one heck of a roller-coaster, that’s for sure. Better days ahead.

Back to DAY #1!


Day #2, 2017! 5 Steps to Keeping on Track

Can you believe it? 2017!

It’s so cliché, but time REALLY does fly. My plan is to make the most — on EVERY level — of 2017. This T2D will beat the hell out of her A1C.  🙂

Cleaning out my refrigerator and freezer is how I started my day. Then, I moved on to food shopping to be sure my cupboards are filled with healthy choices. NO excuses!

I made a batch of sugar-free raspberry Jello, in an effort to be prepared when the sugar beast invades my brain! Sugar-free jello seems to calm “him” down.


I have visions of him “dancing in my head” — NOT “sugar-plum fairies,” the Sugar BEAST! But, it’s okay. I’m prepared to “take care of him” in 2017. BRING IT ON, BEAST!  🙂

Next on my agenda is to create a pot of piping hot Vegetable Barley Soup. It’s threatening to get colder here in the Northeast, and I’ll be ready.  I love to make soup and freeze individual portions. It just makes life easier, and the individual portions help to keep my blood sugar levels in check.

Exercise = IMPORTANT

My walking buddy and I conferred and we’re starting 2017 off on the “right foot” (pun intended)!  We’ll have to walk the mall, but it really doesn’t matter as long as one foot is planted firmly in front of the other! Walking is the #1 way to lower my blood sugar — works EVERY time.

Monitoring my blood sugar has to be at the top of my list, even though it’s a ROYAL pain in the butt. The bottom line is that I know when I write it down (my definition of “monitoring”), I have a MUCH better chance of staying on track.


So, here’s how 2017 is shaking out thus far. I will be keeping on track by following these 5 STEPS:

  1.  Keeping diabetes-friendly foods, not just in the cabinets but, prepared to eat at any time.
  2. Maintaining awareness of the SUGAR BEAST lurking around every corner.
  3. Preparing and freezing individual portions of foods. Portion control is imperative, if I am to succeed on this journey.
  4. Exercising: God bless my “walking buddy,” Maureen,  — she keeps me accountable. You too can have one — ask around!
  5. Monitoring my blood sugar.

There are MANY PATHS we can take on this journey

with lots twists and turns and forks in the road but, with the support of other Type 2 Diabetics, I believe we can make healthy choices and be successful.

There are a multitude of  choices — let’s take the right path towards a healthy diabetic life!

GOOD LUCK in 2017, folks!






Menus — On-the-Run, as well as At Home!

November 6, 2016

In a recent post, I let you know that I’d gone to a dietician at the Diabetes Education Center near my home. I said I’d post information that Maggie (Registered Dietetician and Certified Diabetes Educator) had given me, in terms of monitoring my food, choices, and alternatives. Balancing our blood glucose levels is imperative, and eating the right foods at the correct times will help T2D’s to do just that!

BREAKFAST is touted as being The Most Important Meal of the DayNOT in my world!  I want it to be.  I recognize the importance, but I have some issues with it. I’ve got ISSUES!!!  🙂  🙂  🙂

  • I’m allergic to eggs. That leaves out a LOT of recipes.
  • I have a “thing” about the TEXTURE of some foods. Therefore, Oatmeal = I’d rather be shot!

That being said, Maggie helped me with some alternatives.  So that YOU get the full benefit of my appointment with her, I’m going to list ALL the choices (including the ones I won’t be eating).

First off, she gave me a brief list of some “At Home Menus” that contain 45-60 g of carb; less than 10 g fat; at least 8 g fiber. Perfect, right? O.K., take a look:

  • Oatmeal, 1 cup cooked  (Hope YOU enjoy it!)
  • 1/2 cup 1% milk
  • 1/2 apple


  • 2 Kashi Go Lean Waffles
  • 1 T. Light Margarine/Sugar-Free Syrup
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 8 oz. 1% milk


  • 2 egg whites OR 1/2 cup, Egg Beaters    (NO CAN DO, per allergist; but, that’s just me. YOU can feel free to dig in!)
  • Low fat Sausage Links
  • 2 slices whole wheat toast
  • 1 T. Lite Margarine
  • 1 small orange


Here are some “On the Run Menus” for those of us who are on-the-run!  They contain 30-45 g carb!  All good so far!

  • Cannon Lite n’ Fit Yogurt
  • BelVita Breakfast Biscuit — mixed berry  (7 g. fat)



  • 2 egg whites on Rye
  • 1 cup fresh fruit (10 g. fat, 15 g carb.)
  • Quaker Breakfast Flats (27 g. carbs)


  • Special K Flatbread Breakfast Sandwich (egg, vegetable, Pepper Jack cheese)
  • small fruit  (7 g. fat)


  • McD’s Egg McMuffin*
  • Apple Slices                     IMG_3716

(12 g. fat)

* In my case, I can eliminate the egg and have the McMuffin with sausage and cheese!


I have a mini-confession:  I NEVER eat margarine! Nope, I eat the real deal. Butter makes everything better.  🙂   The truth is, I eat VERY little of it — no big deal.

So, my fellow T2D’s that’s it for some of Maggie’s breakfast suggestions. Whether we’re eating AT HOME or ON-the-RUN, now we have NO excuse!  (Thanks, Maggie.)

I believe I promised a list of Maggie’s great snack ideas, too. That will be for another post. However, in an effort to encourage you to meet with a Dietician/Diabetes Educator in your area, I won’t be giving you the entire list. After all, I’m NOT Wiki-leaks!!!!!


REMEMBER:  Consult your physician before making ANY changes to you Diabetes Treatment Plan.






WATER, Water, everywhere… (Addiction)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

I don’t even remember the last time I drank ANYTHING other than water!

I was a major soda consumer until, after many years, I realized that it wasn’t a healthy option. When I decided to get “off” soda, I also came to see that I was addicted to it. I cut back, cut down, but I couldn’t seem to cut it OUT.  It was difficult. Research indicated that the amount of sugar and sodium that was in the soda, is why it was so hard to get off it.

It took time. First, I moved on to diet soda; the taste was awful; but, in short order, I was on the diet soda train. Further research showed that the diet soda mania might be even worse for the population. That’s when I learned, “If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, don’t let them pass your lips.” That diet soda was chock full of chemicals and finally I jumped off that train! After my release from the soda addiction, I moved on to caffeine — I stopped drinking coffee.  It wasn’t easy; I loved it. Today — I’m soda free, coffee free, I don’t even drink tea unless it’s herbal.

Water, aqua, H2O, Adam’s Ale, aqua pura, seawater, tap water, rainwater, bath water, mineral water. It even has a beautiful sound, doesn’t it?


If you’re traveling the world, especially in the summer, and need to stay hydrated, you’d best get your vocabulary in order. In France, the term for water is eau. In Croatia and Czech, it’s voda. The Danes refer to this magic liquid as vand. The Estonians and Fins call it vesi, while Wasser is what the Germans ask for when they’re thirsty. When in Rome, call out for acqua — they’ll ask you “still or fizz?” If you’re looking for bubbles (carbonation) in your acqua, fizz is your answer! The Norwegians who need to quench their thirst ask for vann, while right next door, in Sweden, they’ll give you a glass of vattan.  Interesting, no?

Today, if I’m having company, perched on my table will be two large pitchers of H2O. One will be pure — just water. The other will contain cut up pieces of fruit, in addition to ice, and filled to the brim with aqua. Have you tried that yet? There are many ways to “enhance” your pitchers of water. A cucumber and mint combination is very refreshing, Fruit water is my all-time favorite!  Strawberries, blueberries, oranges, OH MY! 🙂  Peaches, raspberries, watermelon, apples — you name it! Besides looking beautiful in a clear, tall pitcher, you’ll instantly smile, as these concoctions enter your mouth. I LOVE lemon and lime — careful, though, it can be bitter. I’ve learned to infuse the water with the taste and then remove the citrus rinds from the pitcher.  The taste is divine!

Another great addition to water is fruit-infused ice! It’s wonderful. Besides using fruit-infused water to make my ice cubes, I place a strawberry, a few blueberries, or a sprig of mint to each one. Your water will have a spectacular taste; the cubes look beautiful, and the taste is ever-so-refreshing.

In terms of DIABETES, sugar free is a beautiful thing. My homemade fruit waters” have literally nothing added.  My blood sugar is not effected at all!  Try it folks, you won’t regret it.


Enjoy folks ——– Cheers!      🙂

Food and Friendship

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Going to a friend’s home for dinner, who does NOT have diabetes,  and being served a diabetic-friendly meal, is the definition of FRIENDSHIP!

Friday night, whether you work, go to school, or are retired, is the night when oftentimes people are just plain pooped! That was me last night.

Large crocheted afghan

Nothing would have made me happier than to curl up on the couch with an afghan, a cup of tea, and a book. Sound boring? Not to me; not last night. But, a commitment is a commitment. I dragged my body into the shower, got dressed, put a smile on my face and was off to an evening with some great friends.  I didn’t regret it.

As is with most times when I don’t “feel” like doing something, it was spectacular!    Good friends, fabulous food, and lots of laughter is the perfect recipe for a most enjoyable evening.


I don’t drink anything but water with either lemon or lime and that’s what I floated in all night.  Iced cold H2O was sublime.



Simplicity was the key. Tired friends gathered together to “break bread,” and have some laughs — simple.

It was perfect.

Our hostess served a colorful display of a variety of cheeses, thinly sliced, paired with Water Crackers. A basic hors d’oeuvres that appealed to this weary group of revelers.

Oh, how I wish I’d thought to take pictures of what was to come—

We moved on to an incredible dinner.  SIMPLE, really simple = wonderful! Are you ready? The entree consisted of two PIZZAS!  Wait.  I thought you said a “diabetes-friendly meal.”  Oh, it was!

There, on an enormous white oval-shaped platter, sat slices of two different types of mouth-watering pizza. The first was tomato based, sprinkled with a small amount of melted mozzarella, basil, and a touch of oregano. The second pie “wore” a coat of finely chopped spinach, dotted with tiny speckles of warm mozzarella. How is this a friend to the diabetic?  The secret was in the crust — the thinnest, crispiest pizza crust I’ve ever seen.  Like paper, browned to perfection!  Freshly grated parmigiana was served in a lovely, small glass bowl, that rested off to the side of the table — there for the taking, if you so desired.

Then, the piece de resistance.  A huge, white ceramic serving dish, filled to the brim with piping hot pieces of butternut squash covered with chopped kale, was placed, with a certain reverence, on the end of the table by our hostess. If I had been standing, I would have genuflected!  Ooo’s and Ah’s prevailed as we each took our share (maybe more).

Later, with tea, our hostess-with-the-mostess served dessert. Her homemade pound cake, gelato (I passed on that, I promise!), and something she’d never made before. Only a BRAVE person would serve an “untried” dessert to her guests, right? She is courageous, but also a Gourmet Cook, so not to worry — it was superb. Perfect for the diabetic guest, it was homemade sugar-free jello (not the boxed stuff I’d make). This was prepared on the stovetop with sugar free gelatin, water, unsweetened apple juice, and pureed strawberries.  After it set, our friend topped each individual serving with blueberries, raspberries and a small dollop of whipped cream. I THANKED THE GODS OF “DELICIOUS,” because that’s what it was!

It’s a real friend who looks out for the health of her BFF’s. Thanks, Jane, for an evening of good company, intelligent conversation, an incredible dinner, and LOTS of laughs!


Blood Sugar  =  98             Weight = 153.4    Nope — impossible considering what I’ve eaten! Time for a new ——->—–>—–>—–>IMG_4436

Some Days You Just Do All The Right Things…

Thursday, July 24, 2015

Today was one of those days. It was great!  I woke up early, had a healthy breakfast and moved on with my day.   IMG_3413

Lunch came along and I wasn’t really hungry, but I ate anyway — just a chopped salad, mesculin greens, carrots, red onions, sliced red tomatoes, and beets.  I ate the rest of it with a piece of grilled chicken for dinner. Small portion for lunch, medium for dinner.  A tall, icy glass of water, and I’m good to go.

After dinner, I made some sugar-free chocolate pudding, added a dollop of Redi-Whip, and I was one happy camper.  Need to shop tomorrow for some fresh fruit!

I walked a great deal yesterday, because I was in the city.  Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for today, but I’ll fix that tomorrow by starting out with a walk in the morning, and hopefully another at night.  It makes a world of difference in my attitude as well as my waistline.


There’s No Justice!

On my way home today, I stopped at my local Stop and Shop.  LIST in hand 🙂 I entered the store completely focused.

  1. paper goods
  2. tomatoes
  3. 3 small bananas
  4. 1/2 lb. roast beef
  5. dish detergent
  6. flowers

That’s it — I’m done.

Moving down the aisle from the deli section on my way to the check out line, two wagons blocked my way. No one was paying attention, so I took a detour to the left.  It was the bakery area, but I knew I was o.k.  The showcase was to my left, so I looked to the right as I passed it (Just to be on the safe side — trying to avoid temptation.)

“Miss, Miss, excuse me.  Miss!”  I turned to my left and a frail, elderly lady was smiling at me.  She was standing, slightly hunched over, in front of the showcases filled with you know what.  I’m tall, so I’m used to people asking me to get them items from the high shelves. But, there were no shelves.

“I don’t know what to do,” she said, appearing to be confused.

“How can I help you?”

And then it began. A LONG story, with much pointing out of the various pastries.

“I’m having 5 people over for bridge today.  So far I have this,” she said, pointing to the container of fruit in her cart. “But I can’t decide what pastries to get.  Do you think two of the tarts, two of the giant chocolate cookies and maybe eight of the rainbow cookies would be enough?”

My mouth began to salivate, “I’m sorry, I really don’t know.” I started to walk away.

“Wait, please, I really need your help,” she pleaded.  “Maybe I should get the mini chocolate ganache cakes too. What do you think?”

THERE’S NO JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD, that’s what I think!

I took a deep breath and said, “Maybe you should ask the baker, she’s the expert.” I started to scoot away.  “Wait,” she called out. I turned and pointed to the woman behind the counter. “She’s right there; she’ll be able to answer your questions.”

I took off like a bat out of hell! Once on line, I checked out my items and was on my way.  Before leaving, I glanced over at the bakery section. She was still there, debating with the baker. I smiled

Walking to the car, I gave myself a virtual pat on the back. I made it out — sugar free.  Good for me!

Another battle won.  One day at a time.