Monitoring Blood Glucose = #1

Seriously, what could be more fun than stabbing yourself three times a day???

Okay, nobody ever said it was going to be fun, but it’s important — no — imperative! If you’re new to this “game,” trust me, JUST DO IT! It’s the only real way to know exactly where you’re at, in terms of your blood sugar and, your glucometer WILL tell the truth. In truth there is no denial.

Monitor glucose regularly

It’s easy to be in denial when you have Type 2 Diabetes —

  • you look like most people,
  • you sound like many people,
  • you think like your friends (or not),
  • you eat like everyone else…

WAIT!!!  You EAT like everyone else? You do? I sure hope you’re surrounding yourself with healthy eaters. 🙂

I’m meeting friends for lunch tomorrow, and there’s a routine I follow prior to going out.

  1. I go onto the website of the restaurant.
  2. Check out the menu and pay attention to the healthy choices. Usually, I decide what I’m going to order, but I also give myself the option of choosing one or two of the other acceptable alternatives. This process gives me a range of possibilities that will allow me to make a good decision. I IGNORE THE REST OF THE MENU!
  3. Remember: You’re in charge of your decision. Grilled chicken is usually an option in any restaurant and be sure to add lots of veggies to your dinner plate — it will be colorful and appetizing!   IMG_4432
  4. Before I leave home, I drink a glass of water and take my blood sugar. And then — I’m off, and destined to have a delightful meal with my friends.
  5. When the conversation turns to DESSERT, “No thank you. I’m full.”  [By the way, you will be full.]  GREAT decision, congratulate yourself! While they’re piling on the pounds, and adding toxins to their bodies while sifting through their dessert, feel free to enjoy a cup of steaming hot tea/coffee or an ice cold glass of water (something to look at, instead of their dessert). It’s also nice to ask the waiter to add a wedge of orange, lime or lemon, or even a strawberry or two to your water — you deserve it!

    I find that adding fruit to my water makes it look and taste so much more refreshing.

  6. Once home — sometimes, in the car before I leave the parking lot of the restaurant,  🙂 I check my blood sugar. If it’s elevated, as soon as I get home, I grab my sneakers and go for a quick walk, even if only for 30 minutes — walking will bring that number right down — never fails!

So there you have it folks. CHECK THAT BLOOD SUGAR — no matter what. NO EXCUSES! You’ll be glad you did.

I promise.



It’s as if I forgot how to type! Words mulling around in my brain, but not taking the time to sit down and connect with my laptop. Crazy. Well, I’m back in action!!!

My goal for the rest of this week (Yes, I know — 4 whole days!) is to post each day, in an effort to get myself back on track and stay there. Well, it’s still Wednesday, so here I go —

Wednesday is YOGA day! Truth is, I LOVE yoga. Another truth is, I HATE to go! Know what I mean? Getting dressed (big deal!). Driving there (another big deal!). Practicing yoga for an hour (yet, another big deal!). 🙂  Ridiculous, right? So what’s my problem?

While I was taking off my shoes, I asked another member if she enjoyed coming to class. Her response: “I HATE IT!” 🙂  We both laughed and agreed that it’s not the class that we don’t like, it’s GETTING there.  It’s all about attitudeIMG_3214and sometimes, mine leaves much to be desired.

The other important factor is motivation. Anyone who is a T2D should be motivated — to exercise, develop healthy eating habits, monitor blood sugar, etc. But, I confess, there are those times when I just don’t give a damn — and then there are those times, NOW, when I hop back on track and keep that train moving.

I “stole” this from Bill over at Simple Living Over 50.  Thanks, Bill!


Isn’t it great?  🙂  I printed it out and taped it onto my mirror, to remind me every day that I AM motivated and need to keep developing those HEALTHY HABITS! 

That’s where it’s at for me.



Where’d those posts go????

I’ve been crazy busy but, I swear to God, I had NO idea how behind I was in blogging.

Better discipline ahead — I promise!


…It seems, this is EXACTLY what I’ve been doing, in terms of my blogging. Ugh!

The good news is, my numbers have been good and I’m putting my Fitbit to use!