If Vegetarians Can Do It, So Can I!

I recently read an article in Prevention Guide. The theme was Sugar Detox Made Easy — yeah, right! 🙂


I keep telling myself, you’ve done it before, and you can do it again. That’s absolutely true, so what’s my problem? Maybe, my issues are because I’m doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Isn’t that the definition of INSANITY!

My answer to that dilemma is to branch out, in terms of my research. I bought this magazine sometime in January. I’ll admit to skimming it; like that ever worked… This time around, I read it cover to cover and back again.

Author Aviva Patz wrote, Your Step-by-Step Detox Plan. In fact, she had a slew of helpful hints to formulate an action plan. Action Plan? I didn’t sign up for an Action Plan. However, her program consists of things to DO to help in dealing with diabetes, to overcome the addiction. She talked about the importance of writing down a Manifesto. WHAT? C’mon, I’m a busy woman. I don’t have time for this nonsense! And then, the little voice inside me reminded me that I always have time to eat cookies, and cakes, and candy, Oh, My! Developing a manifesto took about three minutes, and consisted of writing the pros and cons of quitting sugar, and the same for NOT quitting sugar. She recommends keeping your notes nearby for when that temptation creeps in.

Ms. Patz talked about replacing the addictive food with something palatable but not as unhealthy. Example: Fruit — still sweet, so it will stomp out the cravings, while eating healthy nutrients. (Be careful. There is such a thing as having too much of a good thing.) Easy does it — fruit will absolutely effect your blood sugar levels. The goal is to maintain a balance.

I’ll be writing about Patz’ article for a number of days. She presents some great healthy alternatives to poor choices, and I’ll be passing them along to you.

Of all her suggestions, one jumped out at me — why didn’t I think of this??? She suggests that we don’t use the words “I can’t” when sugar is offered to us. Sounds like my usual, “I can’t have dessert, I’m diabetic.” waaa, waaaaah, waaaaaah, poor Kathy… Instead of the “poor me” response, Patz advises us to simply say, “I don’t eat refined sugar.” Simple, to the point. She compares the dilemma to that of the VEGETARIAN who easily states, “I don’t eat meat.” She’s right! It’s a choice — OUR choice! It makes perfect sense. It’s empowering. The decision is ours and the words, “I can’t,” give away our power and weaken our resolve. It’s brilliant! Obviously, this is an easy change in behavior and will likely end with the person offering the sweets to back down. Sounds good to me. No more pity party when the host cuts the cake.  🙂

“I don’t eat refined sugar.” Period!

My sincere thanks to Aviva Patz for an article that was not only motivating, but also made sense.

Up, Up and Away!

October 26, 20116

I LOVE to fly!

I have good, long-time friends — you know the kind; you haven’t seen them in eons and then, when you finally get together, it’s like time never passed. That’s Carol and Walter, my North Carolina friends. Due to life getting in the way, I haven’t been down there in probably three years. That’s crazy!!! To rectify that situation, I relied on my other good, long-time friend, Jet Blue. I hopped a plane and, in the blink of an eye, I was engulfed in a hug that made it all better. Charlotte airport is a piece of cake (hmmm, interesting analogy) and we were in their house within half an hour. There was a large basket of apples, staring me in the face when I walked into their welcoming home. Good friends.

Travel makes this Dedicated Diabetic’s life, well let’s say, “interesting.” Airports are wall to-wall junk food — at least that’s what I see! I know, I know, there are a multitude of concessions that carry clothes, jewelry, books and magazines, perfume, etc. But it’s the walls of junk food that call my name.

I needed water. Usually I bring an empty bottle to get through security and then fill it  once I’m through — not this time. No matter. I knew I’d pass five places, where I could buy a bottle, before I got to the gate. I chose one that didn’t have aisles of candy — Bravo, Kathy; good choice! You might think that but, while waiting on line with my ice cold aqua, I spied cookies. It was 7:15 a.m. and I had a quick breakfast before I left home, so there was NO NEED. This isn’t about need, crept through my mind. NO, NO, NO, was bouncing around in my head. I resisted. Then, just as I went to pay for the water, my left arm reached over (like a bolt of lightning) and grabbed a bag of chocolate chip cookies. Next thing I knew I was at Gate 4, waiting for the plane to Charlotte. I was like an alcoholic in a blackout!

I opened my carryon and there they were, looking up at me with their big, brown, chocolate-chip eyes, like a puppy with his head tilted to the side, wanting to be held. I can’t resist puppies, and I didn’t resist the cookies. I took the package out, my mouth watering, and attempted to open it. I said “attempted,” because with all the poking and prodding, pulling, trying to tear open the bag, it remained intact. It was like a castle, surrounded by a moat. There was no getting in.   😦

  • I could have walked back to the concession and switched the package out for one that might actually open.
  • I could have leaned over to the guy next to me and asked for help, I needed my DRUG!  
  • I could have tossed that bag into the garbage (where it belonged).

There is a list of actions I COULD HAVE taken but, instead, I placed the chips back into my bag. I started to read an article in The Times and the craving passed. You’ll be happy to know that while I was waiting for my flight back to New York, I reached into my bag, saw the package of chocolate chips, and placed it (reverently)  into the garbage!

I’m very fortunate. Carol and Walter are healthy eaters, so my visit wasn’t torturous. No one was pushing food down my throat. He grills most everything, so that helps and, they’re major veggie fans.

So, for the most part, it was a healthy trip.

Notice I said, for the most part…

Walter is a retired baker — retired is the operative word, resulting in NO leftovers from the bakery coming home. But, he does love his cake. Usually allowing himself a dessert once or twice a week; I’m not gonna lie, I joined in. Their food stores, as do ours, have a bakery department that you can smell a mile away. The good news is that besides whole cakes, pies and other confectionaries, they also have slices packaged separately — one piece per container. This made it easy to at least limit my intake. Twice while there I had one slice and walked it off.

You’ll NEVER convince me that sugar isn’t addictive! The reality is, it’s my drug of choice and is a constant battle. Not that I never cave at home, but when traveling, I admit — it happens!

Once on the plane heading north, I started to reflect on my trip. Health wise, it was fine. I walked, caved into my cravings only twice, and otherwise ate healthy, diabetic-friendly foods.

All in all, it was a great trip. There’s no better medicine than laughing with friends!





Invasion of the Rabbits!

Still, believe it or not, Saturday, March 26, 2016!

They’re everywhere! I’m sure you’ve noticed — you can’t miss them. Wall-to-wall RABBITS/BUNNIES!

I have no problem with them, I actually like the real deal.  We had “one” that inhabited our backyard for years. I convinced my kids that “Peter” lived in our yard — “but, don’t get too close!”  It could have been twenty different rabbits, how would I know? They were all brown, had two floppy ears, a cotton tail, and hippity hopped all over the place. But Peter was “ours” (or so we claimed) and we loved observing him from afar — even to the point of greeting him/her (with, “Hi Pete!” every morning).  🙂

My daughter’s friend (Hi Denise!) and her husband (Hi Thomas!) had a gorgeous rabbit. His name was “Buster” or “Busterina.” I was never quite sure…   🙂   But that was one beautiful, spoiled rabbit!  C’mon, Denise, you know that’s true!  He/she had his/her OWN room. I had to SHARE a room with my sister when I was a “bunny” — didn’t want to say “kid” in case the goats are listening!   (groan — sorry)

Back to the DIABETIC ISSUE at hand:  It’s the CHOCOLATE bunnies I have an issue with.  BIG surprise. THEY  ARE  EVERYWHERE!  To this Type 2 Diabetic, it’s TORTURE!      

{Hi.  I’m Kathy, and I’m a CHOCOHOLIC!}  

I can’t take it anymore. Every single store I go into has those damn chocolate bunnies — and they’re calling my name!  “Kathy, I’m over here!  One won’t hurt!” It’s like waterboarding for diabetics!    😦     Make it STOP, I’m pleading with you.

NOW, LET’S FACE IT — whether you’re a Christian or not, you KNOW that Easter is NOT about the freakin’  chocolate bunnies!  It’s not about ANY Bunnies!!!





February 14, 2016

So, how did it go?  Take your blood sugar lately?  🙂

If you feel you’re making all the right decisions — BRAVO! Good for you.  If perhaps that’s not the way your day is moving along, remember — you can always start over. We are only human, so just do your best.

Hey! Maybe you’re not a sugarholic or chocoholic — count your blessings! But, if you are,  you’ll relate to this post, and this time period may be rough for you.  It’s interesting, I’ve found that many of my friends don’t crave sweets. Their “drug of choice” is carbs! Is their a difference?   😦  [Too many links to post.]  If you’re in this category, Google carboholic.  You may be in for a surprise…

For those of us who crave sweets, please — BE ON GUARD against the sales next week.  All those bright, shimmering, pink and red heart-shaped containers, beautifully decorated square and rectangular boxes, that are left over and filled with shiny pieces of chocolate, will likely be 70% off!  I LOVE a good sale, AND, I am a “chocolate addict,” so I know those boxes will be calling me.

Here’s this Dedicated Diabetic’s PLAN  to avoid temptation — I’m simply NOT going into the stores tomorrow.  I just can’t.  I know my limitations. That chocolatey odor will seep from the containers and I’ll hear my name being called — “Kathy, I’m over here.  Buy me — 70% OFF — how can you resist?” UGH! Torture. I seem to be most vulnerable around Halloween and Valentine’s Day, for obvious reasons. My plan is to take my “vulnerable” self as far away from those stores/displays, as is humanly possible.  I have my trusty Grapefruit Oil, always at the ready,  (IMPORTANT:  Check with your doctor; this oil really should not be smelled directly from the bottle — could cause irritation in your nose.  Instead, a drop or two on the palms of your hands, held away from your nose, is the more appropriate method. Check it out before using!).  For the past week or so, I’ve been sniffing away when I even think chocolate, dessert, any tempting delight.  I’ve mentioned it before — I think the odor of the grapefruit oil simply “detours your brain” away from craving the sweets.

My “HEARTfelt” (get it?) suggestion to you, my fellow Type 2 Diabetics:   Make the healthy choices — for yourself.  Begin TODAY, right now. Do it for YOU — the effect will trickle down to those you love. you’ll see.

The good news is the stores will be sold out in two or three days, and “Satan’s Attack” will be over. Ended. Kaput!    🙂


Glucose-free Valentine “Alternatives”

February 9, 2016      5 more days until VALENTINE’S DAY  (just sayin’)

At the end of my last post, I promised to discuss alternatives to those sugary, sweet, delectable, delicious, chocolate delights.  You know the ones — that fill a box the size of New Jersey and are the shape of a beautifully wrapped red heart! Marketing gurus would have us believe that this product symbolizes LOVE, and is obligatory. You’re too smart for that.


LOVE is defined, in the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary, as “a feeling of constant affection for a person.”  Dictionary.com refers to LOVE as “a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.” Lastly, and MY all time favorite definition of LOVE is from the Urban Dictionary — “Love is nature’s way of tricking people into reproducing.” (Anonymous, April 7, 2003)   🙂   Now THAT’S funny!  🙂

So, I’ve given you a few of the ways love is defined and NOWHERE is a heart-shaped box of candy mentioned.     NOWHERE!

My goal in writing today’s post, is to speak to the issue of alternatives to candy, heart-shaped cakes, cookies, and the like.  I’ll give you some HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES to expressing one’s undying love for another that won’t raise anyone’s BLOOD SUGAR.

What says I LOVE YOU more deeply than showing someone that their HEALTH is more important to you than anything else? Here are a few GLUCOSE-FREE IDEAS that will fare as a much better symbol of your LOVE than a box of chocolates: (Drum roll, please) —

Starting out with some GENDER-NEUTRAL, GLUCOSE-FREE gifts:

JEWELRY always wins — a watch, cuff-links, heart-shaped locket (Get creative!)


MASSAGE Gift Certificate  (Maybe a couple’s massage…)

HEART-SHAPED container filled with bright red, fresh STRAWBERRIES!

THEATER or CONCERT TICKETS — something you’d BOTH enjoy!

For the WRITER in your life, consider a RUBY-RED JOURNAL — maybe paired with a beautiful RED PEN!  (I see that as “gender-neutral”)

FLOWERS, of course. By the way, they don’t HAVE to be red but, for some reason, that color seems to get the message across on this “particular” day.


For the MAN in your life — you know exactly what his likes and dislikes are:  TICKETS TO A SPORTING EVENT, CAR/BOAT SHOW, MUSIC., etc., etc.  (I know you KNOW!  — and you can show you’re love by being sure they’re GLUCOSE FREE!


Some GLUCOSE FREE ideas for that special WOMAN you hold near and dear:

A beautiful, bright red, leather PURSE (or maybe GLOVES?  That will get you some Ooo’s and Ahh’s. What says LOVE better than leather???

LINGERIE — RED, of course.  (Hmmm.  Who’s that gift really for?)  🙂

A gift certificate for a MANICURE/PEDICURE — with a bottle of a beautiful shade of red nail polish (chosen by you) attached to it.

It’s easy to SAY, “I love you,” but not always as easy to SHOW it.  One important factor to consider is your budget — stay within it!  There’s nothing sexy about debt.

Oops!  I almost forgot.  If you have children (yours or someone else’s) to whom you wish to express your LOVE, there are a zillion ways to choose GLUCOSE FREE gifts for them.  Whether they’re diabetic or not, nobody needs junk food.  Cruise around any department store, there are hearts everywhere!!!  Oh, and remember, BOOKS are always a great gift for ANYONE!

For those of you who feel that Valentine’s Day is a bourgeois symbol of LOVE,  a Hallmark Holiday, or one created by the chocolate companies, you may be right! But, be careful — be sure you’re both on the same page… for   love — IS — in the air!

Get on it,  folks.  The “big” day is just around the corner.

Oh, and one more suggestion — a nice walk, with the one you love, at the end of the evening  =  sheer joy!

A Happy and Healthy Valentine’s Day, to all!








Paul Revere — Who’s Coming?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

How accurate is history?

I read an interesting article the other day about Paul Revere.  I questioned myself as to whether or not he said, “The British are coming…the British are coming,” when warning the townsfolk, or did he simply yell out, “They’re coming — they’re coming!” What was I really taught?

It was fun reading about him.  I remembered that Paul Revere was a Bostonian and a silversmith’s son who did that type of work as well.  He was quite a rebel that Paul! Around 1773 he was involved in the Boston Tea party and became a courier delivering information to the colonies in the northern sector. (You knew that.)   🙂

I learned that he probably didn’t say, “The British are coming…” because those living in the colonies were British; they wouldn’t have know who he was warning them about! My “research” revealed that it was much more likely that Revere hollered out, “The soldiers are coming…” OR “The redcoats are coming…” from atop his horse.

I vote for “The redcoats are coming…” What do you think?

BUT, I digress.  This is NOT a historical blog, although I’m sure the colonists probably had diabetes too. Now that’s something to research.

Instead, my WARNING to all of us is, “VALENTINE’S DAY IS COMING…Valentine’s Day is coming!”  This “holiday” is the worst for me — maybe even worse than Halloween.  They are everywhere, in every store, ranging from HUGE red hearts — almost life-size, down to tiny, child-sized boxes chocked full of delectable chocolate delights. TORTURE! They’re wrapped in shiny satin or glistening cellophane calling out to us.

I’m serious.  Enter any store and the display will smack you right in the face.  BAM!

RUN, like the wind — you can do it!  Avoid making that purchase, at all cost. No good will come from leaving the store with the red heart in your hand. For that matter, you know it’s not really good for your heart. We’re not talking about a square of dark chocolate (that some are claiming is actually good for us). NO WAY, I’m talking about that big red heart that’s filled with irresistible shiny, chocolate bonbons, or mouth-watering chocolates in all shapes and sizes. My blood sugar is rising, just talking about it.



So, my friends, this Type 2’s advice to you is RUN, RUN LIKE THE WIND.  You can do it.  I’ll be right next to you.  You’ll be proud of yourself!

Tune in tomorrow to discuss the alternatives

For now, RUN!!!



Sometimes I’m just not “good at this.”

I’ve been on the roller coaster ride that can be DIABETES!  For the last week, I’ve been plagued with cravings. It started last Tuesday when I decided to join a friend for lunch in a diner.  I asked for a to-go box and immediately put half of my food in it for later or for the next day.  Good start, right? 🙂

We had a great lunch. Talked and talked — solving the problems of the world.  🙂

And then it happened.  The waiter approached us and asked if we’d like dessert.  Almost ALWAYS I say, “no thank you.”  So what caused me to cave on this day?   😦   I asked him what the selection was, but that wasn’t good enough. I had to go over to the cases wherein the delectable delights resided. As usual, they were screaming — “Kathy, pick me, pick me!”  After a process of elimination, I chose a mile-high chocolate cream pie.  Oh, the absurdity.  I almost took a picture of the pie, when I realized that I was elevating it to deity status!  Definitely going over the edge, I considered taking another dessert home for later.  Ugh.  I didn’t do it.

I ate every morsel of that pie and on the way home allowed remorse to seep into my being. By the time I pulled into my driveway, I was miserable. After an hour, I started to feel sick — nauseous.  WHY did I do that to myself?  It never fails. Each and every time I make a BAD decision, regarding food, I slip into an abyss of misery.  The rest of that day was a waste. I couldn’t think of anything positive to do to reclaim my happiness. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself.

Wednesday morning, I got up bright and early and walked.  THIS will be a good day.  The bank, the Post Office, food shopping took up my morning.  I only had half an hour before yoga, so NO time for lunch. I’ll eat later; that’ll be fine.  DUCK!  Here it comes — driving to my yoga class, I pulled into a 7-11 and purchased a really healthy snack — not one, TWO candy bars!  I downed them in the true fashion of a sugar addict — FAST!

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot of Absolute Yoga in Woodbury for my class, feeling angry with myself.  Really disgusted.  I confessed my “downfall” to my teacher.  She’s terrific, and we talked about it.  I KNOW every single thing she mentioned, but was unable to put it into practice at that time.  The good news is that our conversation, coupled with a great session of yoga, put me back on track.

Trust me — it hasn’t been easy.  The cravings are still torturing me, but I have more strength, for now — one day at a time.  My refrigerator is stocked, so that when a craving strikes, I have sugar-free Jello on hand, along with fruit and nuts.  I’m ready!  Also, walking in the morning is helping to start off the day on good footing.

The CURE for self-pity is gratitude.  I have so much to be grateful for — I have Type 2 Diabetes; BIG DEAL!  It could be a LOT worse, and I’m grateful that it’s not.

I’m DEDICATED to winning each battle and to have a good and healthy life.

COMMITTED — one day at a time!

Hanging My Head… :(

From the moment I opened my eyes this morning, I was tempted.  ALL DAY LONG I had cravings!  It was rough.

Have you had days like this?

I got through it until about three o’clock.  That’s when my car drove straight into a gas station.  No, I was not in need of petro.  I was in “need” of chocolate.  I fell WAY off the proverbial wagon.  My purchase included Hostess cupcakes and a Three Musketeer’s bar, both of which I promptly ate the minute I got home.  My mind went blank.  I used none of the tools that I have to fight off cravings — I just gave in.

What did I get out of this plunge into a vat of sugar?  Absolutely nothing, unless you count an incredible thirst that couldn’t be quenched, a horrific case of cotton mouth, and a tongue that felt like it was 4 inches thick.  It was disgusting.  I felt disgusting.  Of course, my blood sugar rose, and I went into a carb coma.  Sleeping the day away, is not my idea of fun, so I fought it.  I set my alarm for 30 minutes.  When it screamed at me, I got up.  No remorse, I told my frustrated self.  Hop back on the wagon and move along with the day. 

It’s now almost 10 p.m.  My mouth is still dry and I’m drinking water like a nomad in a desert. I’ve reviewed my day and realized that the number one thing that I did wrong was skip lunch.  I had a list of errands that would choke a horse, and I paid more attention to the list than I did to myself.

Take care of #1.  As Type 2 diabetics, we know that’s what has to happen to be successful at winning each battle. I didn’t do it.

Tomorrow’s another day.  I WILL do the right thing — use my tools, eat ON TIME and properly!  It will be a good day.

Clock Tower at Worth Avenue., Palm Beach, Florida
Clock Tower at Worth Avenue., Palm Beach, Florida.  EAT ON TIME!!!


I can do this!!!!!


Saturday, October 4, 2014

You KNOW you’re addicted when —

1. chocolate is the FIRST thing you think about when you wake up.

2. you pull into the gas station to buy a newspaper and KNOW it’s the candy bar you’re really after.

4. your car is filled with candy wrappers.

5. at dinnertime your appetizer is a Milky Way!

6. your desk at work is overrun with candy wrappers.

7. you dig into your coat pocket and come up with M&M’s.

8. Halloween is you favorite holiday.

9. you take a bath and dream of bathing in chocolate

10. in a restaurant, the first section you read on the menu is “Desserts.”

You KNOW you’re addicted when —

THIS HAS BECOME A PROBLEM, and you’re determined, “DEDICATED” to fixing it.

THAT’S enough!