On December 29th, someone told me that the way in which you end a year will determine how your new year will be. This T2D doesn’t believe a word of it! Nothing. Nada. I’ve had vertigo for two days along with an evil virus. That’s the way I ended 2017. Ugh. NO WAY will 2018 be like that for me — absolutely not!


It’s 7:50 p.m. on Monday, January 1st, 2018. The vertigo and evil virus left this morning, as 2018 entered my life.

Thinking positively and looking forward to a WONDERFUL 2018!

Controlling my blood sugar is  #1  on my list of positive things focus on. Healthy eating choices, exercise, and meditation.

Bring it on 2018!!!

I’m ready for you.  🙂


Prepare for the 4th!

It’s coming folks — the 4th of July! A great day for those of us in the U.S.A. who have so much to be grateful for.  Parades, ceremonies, and then the Sacred Barbecue! Who doesn’t like a good BBQ?  Fire up those grills.


Get ready for the burgers and dogs, chicken and ribs, steak and grilled veggies. What’s better than that? Hmmmm. Maybe grilled fruit! Have you ever tried it? You won’t regret it, I promise — sliced peaches and pineapple are my absolute faves. But, take care T2D’s, there’s lots of sugar in dem dare fruit!  🙂 

Be sure to add a salad to your plate. I’m talking about a green salad — beware of the potato and macaroni salad, pasta salads that will shoot up your blood sugar. Not worth it — watch out for the carbs and add the proteins instead.

BEST THING TO DO BEFORE YOU LEAVE YOUR HOME TO GO TO THE BBQ = Drink an 8oz glass of water and have a healthy snack. By doing that, you won’t be “famished” when you arrive and overwhelmed by the temptation.

Have fun folks!



Water, Water, Everywhere!

Oh baby! It’s pretty hot here on the east coast, so keeping hydrated is important. REALLY important. I try to drink eight 8 ounce glasses of H20 every day. So far, so good. For some reason, I seem to be able to drink more water when I drink from a bottle instead of a glass. Why? I have no clue. But, truth be told, it just seems to go down faster. All I know is that it works — it’s just easier. I’ve been drinking water from the 16.9 ounce bottles which computes to a little less than 4 of those a day. Easy peasy!

Water comes in many forms and can hydrate us in various ways. Water in the form of oceans, streams, ponds, rivers and lakes brings serenity and nourish me. Whenever I’m relaxing by the sea I can only think positive thoughts. What a gift water is to us!

Physically we’re hydrated by the consumption of water.  An ice cold glass of water is incredibly refreshing and protects us from getting dehydrated. Just plain water! The consumption of water will help you to manage your diabetes.

Water in a “stem.” (Paris)

Sometimes, this T2D gets bored with it but, there’s an easy solution. A wedge or slice of fruit adds a great taste to this beverage. Fruit-infused water is refreshing! It’s all good, no matter how you drink it and it’s certainly the healthiest choice you can make.

So folks, during this hot weather season, DRINK UP!

Dr. Visit…

Ugh. I’ve not been looking forward to this.

Last week I went for my blood work so my doctor would have it prior to my visit. Friday was my appointment.

She was thrilled. My blood work was great. A1C = 6.6. She was happy, I was disappointed, actually, amazed!  “If you saw what I’ve been eating, you’d never believe that’s accurate.” Dr. G responded, “It will catch up to you, you know that.”  Yeah, yeah. I didn’t respond — she’s ALWAYS right.

For awhile now, I’ve been taking two Metformin instead of three. My goal is to get off them completely. The ONLY way to do that is to stay on track — no diversions. Lately, I’ve been the Queen of Diversions! 

A little over a week ago denial crept in (with a vengeance). I actually ate potato chips and onion dip. 😦  It didn’t kill me, but what a stupid decision. And then there was the pie…cookies… Yes, I didn’t fall off the “wagon” I took a deep-dive plunge. Ugh.

The good news is, I’m back to healthy choices. If I have to have desserts, I’ll be heading to my sugar free Jello or small portions of fresh fruit.

Just remember there is such a thing as TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING (fruit can fall right into that category!)

Monitor glucose regularly

Obviously, I didn’t do too much damage, or 6.6 would have been WAY higher. I absolutely do NOT want to go back to 3 Metformin/day, so I’m re-committing myself again to staying on track — DAMN IT! It’s all about accountability, as always. There’s no hiding those numbers and not taking my blood sugar, is just plain irresponsible. I’m determined.

I know that when I’m dedicated and determined, I get involved in a project using my hands. I know when I do the artsy/craftsy thing, I won’t snack/eat the wrong foods.

I know that when I sit and watch TV, I’m putting myself at risk. Gigunda risk!!! I become bored and troll the cabinets for something “bad.” Rarely do I find anything, because I don’t buy the foods/snacks that I know I shouldn’t be eating. I wish I could tell you that I give up and go back to watching the tube. That would not be true. There are times when I cave. I’ve walked and driven to the corner store or the gas station for a candy bar to “tide me over.”  (I sound like a drug addict. Well, sugar IS a drug!) .

Diabetes sucks. Yes, it does. BUT, there are worse diseases, that’s for sure! So, I’ll be grateful and get back on the bike and do the right thing — one day at a time.


This disease is one heck of a roller-coaster, that’s for sure. Better days ahead.

Back to DAY #1!



Sunday, November 13, 2017

I will NEVER give up! Diabetes is a royal pain in the ass, but I will NEVER give up!

It’s about ten minutes since my last post and I’m on my way to bed. I’m wiped out. If you read my last post, you’ll see why I have some nerve being tired.

Today is Sunday. It’s another day. It’s going to be a great day and I will, for sure, start off with a really GOOD ATTITUDE. My plan is to start out with an attitude of gratitude and move on from there!

Night folks.


Count your blessings   






Saturday, November 12, 2016


…and TODAY, mine stunk!

Blah, blah, blah. The attitude of gratitude. Blah, blah, blah. Today, I didn’t want to hear about it, didn’t want to know about it, didn’t even want to think about it.

Today was one of those  B A D    A T T I T U D E  days. Why? I have NO clue. Sometimes you just want to pull up the covers and forget about it. This was one of those days. So, what did I do to change my attitude? I went to get my hair colored (good move!) and came home hating the way my hair looked (bad move!).

I have a friend who’s a DIYer, as am I. She’s working on a credenza; I’m 1/2-way through refinishing a table. Looking for motivation to finish mine, I decided to stop at her house to see how she’s progressing (good move!) She had painted just one of the drawers, as a test case, to be sure she liked the finish, before continuing. It was gorgeous! Light gray base coat with a darker silver distress. Just beautiful. Did it motivate me? Absolutely. (Yea!!!)

On the ride home, I thought about my project. I’ll work on it this afternoon, I told myself. When I pulled into the gas station to fill up, I remembered why that wasn’t going to happen. As I got out of the car, a stabbing pain shot down the right side of my butt and leg and reminded me that today was NOT going to be the day I’d be working on the table. [Last Wednesday I went out to my garage to grab the paint supplies to complete my table. As I leaned over to lift the carton, I coughed REALLY hard, and ZAP — sciatica crept back into my life. If you’ve ever had it you know — it smarts! I left the carton right where it was, grabbed an ice pack and a heating pad, and spent the next two days trying to get the inflammation down. SCIATICA SUCKS — I’m gonna get a bumper sticker.]  I shouldn’t complain; four days is nothing and it’s MUCH better. But, I didn’t remember that, when I went into the gas station and bought a package of Twinkies (bad move! — really bad move).

photoContinuing my brief drive home, I told myself, In the meantime, I’ll work on Carrie’s quilt. I can do that. Carrie is friend of my daughter’s who’s having a baby and the shower is the day after Thanksgiving. HOLY PROCRASTINATION! Hurry up, Kathy!  I wasn’t going to give her the quilt until the baby is born but, if I do it NOW that’ll be many hours of keeping my hands busy and not thinking about cravings. (Back to my Grapefruit Oil)  🙂


Well, when I got home, after I downed the Twinkies, I set up the table to lay out the quilt, got out the fabric and started. NO! Of course I didn’t start!!! I told you I had a lousy attitude. Instead, I grabbed my laptop and wasted about two hours watching YouTube videos on “How to Make a Rag Quilt.” It was very relaxing to watch someone else do the work. I know how to make that style quilt — I’ve done it four times!

WHY then, was I wasting the time??? Probably because my miserable attitude told me to AND probably because of the sugar rush to my brain from the freakin’ Twinkies. Ugh.

It’s 11:51 p.m., so nine more minutes until Sunday.  My GOAL for Sunday?

  • Eat correctly
  • Walk first thing in the morning
  • …and with a renewed and refreshed ATTITUDE, work on the quilt.

I feel better already!  Night folks.

This T2D needs some  ZZZZZzzzzz’s

Here’s My Chance…

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Turning the clock back and, with the extra hour in the morning, I’m hoping to get my sleep schedule on track. I’d love to say, “BACK on track,” but that wouldn’t be truthful. My sleep patterns/habits are horrendous — I’m a night owl. I’ve tried to change that for years, but to no avail.


Going to bed at a decent time is the most difficult part for me. As an adult, I’ve always gone to bed after midnight. My sleep pattern is usually somewhere between 3 to 5 hours, if I’m lucky. I’ve tried developing a routine; i.e., early to bed, early to rise… A cup of hot caffeine-free tea, a dull book, meditation, a warm bath, ocean sounds,  DSCN0467a mist of lavender spray, or a warm shower before bed. I’ve set the alarm for an early hour, with the plan of starting my day with a walk. Up and at ’em, is what I’ve attempted. “Attempted” is the operative word. Attempted, but with little or no success.  😦

ANY SUGGESTIONS? Do you have the same issue?   IMG_4369

WHY is this so important to me???  I believe that sleep, or the lack thereof, effects everything — including diabetes.

So, with that in mind, this Type 2 Diabetic is off to bed. Wish me luck!



Bringing Down My A1C in the BIG APPLE!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Aside from the obvious (eating appropriately), NOTHING brings down this T2D’s blood sugar level faster than WALKING!  It never fails. Never.

I may have taken it JUST A TAD over the top on Tuesday night. It was a gorgeous night in the city, the sky was “Starry Night” clear, just a slight breeze and in the low 70’s. Perfect for walking in the “Big Apple.”

A friend and I went into NYC to see the preview of a unique show called “The Flatiron Hex.” The New York Times gave it a great review (at the time of the Times review, it was being performed in a different space). Last Tuesday night’s preview was at the Henson Carriage House.

It was a long walk from Penn Station (33d and 7th) to 67th and 3d Avenue. Whoa, baby, my feet were cursing at me. BIG TIME! But it was a gorgeous night and the rest of me didn’t mind at all. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Pennsylvania+Station,+New+York,+NY/3rd+Avenue+%26+East+67th+Street,+New+York,+NY+10065/@40.7584233,-73.9957349,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c259ae15b2adcb:0x7955420634fd7eba!2m2!1d-73.993519!2d40.750568!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c258e97a456739:0x61d13a67f652353a!2m2!1d-73.9629317!2d40.7665612!3e2

I’m a lowly blogger and not a writer of reviews for the NY Times, but I recognize an unparalleled presentation when I see one. BY THE WAY,  it’s beyond me how ANYONE can execute a one-person performance — kudos to James Godwin! Bravo and best of luck to all the members of The Flatiron Hex, an exceptional, one-of-a-kind group of artists.

Back to Type 2 Diabetes and the benefits of walking:  After the preview of Flatiron Hex, we revised our route and hoofed it back to Penn, via 5th Avenue — window shopping MAY have slowed us down a bit but, all-in-all, it was a good 5 miles + walk and worth every step. My blood glucose was happy, as was my A1C.

So, here’s what I did for Kathy:

  • I brought down my blood glucose, by simply walking.  "WALKING BUDDY"This is a good thing because, let’s face it, this body is never going to see the inside of a gym again (Being realistic.)  Again? ??  LOL!
  • My A1C will benefit from my “hike.” That miserable test is the truth-teller. It shows all!!! Every freakin’ 3 months — it’s like a computer that spits out the details of your (diabetic) behavior. My doctor loves it. 🙂
  • I was good to my heart.  (It’s thrilled when I walk my brains out!)  IMG_4358
  • I passed each and every bakery, patisserie, and au bon pain on the route. (More bonus points for my blood sugar and my heart.) THAT wasn’t easy!  😦
  • Slept like a rock — exercise will do that…

Me?  I’m a happy camper to have spent a spectacular night walking the sidewalks of my beloved NYC    (I ❤ NY)   and, seeing an outstanding preview! What could be better?


It’s in the ATTITUDE!


“Choose Wisely”

Thursday, September 22, 2016

“Choose wisely” were

…words my parents repeated on a regular basis to each of their four children. They were talking about our friends and my father managed to get his point across, usually with a simple phrase or two — and that look over his glasses. Oooooo,  that deep, penetrating, look. There was no mistaking his intent. This man was serious!

The value of friendship was second only to that of family, in the heart and minds of my parents. They taught us well and the message was incessant, particularly during those important teenage years. There’s one phrase (among many) that stands out in my mind. “Kathy, water seeks its own level.”  My dad would say it (in that tone), then pause, look me straight in the eye, turn and walk away, leaving me to contemplate what he’d just said. I knew, the “friend” I’d brought home that day had been given the “stamp of disapproval.”  No argument, no criticism. But, the point was always made, and  it was clear.  Do the right thing — choose wisely.  Mom and dad were right; their instincts good. We learned early on the difference between friends and acquaintances. As a result of their guidance, the four of us have always had excellent friends and we’ve had them for a long time.  My parents were outstanding role models — they’d tell us, “To HAVE a good friend, you need to BE a good friend.” Those words served each of us well.

WHY ARE YOU DISCUSSING FRIENDSHIP, you ask?  Because the people with whom we break bread can be as important as the morsels that pass through our lips. I, for one, need all the help I can get in managing my T2D, and I do look to my friends for support — I admit it.

For the purpose of this T2D blog, I’ll be integrating the choice of foods, along with those with whom we share it.

A few days ago, I met some friends for lunch — this can be a nightmare OR sheer heaven for me, depending on where we decide to “dine.” I made the choice this time and we went to The Wild Fig — Mediterranean Grill. Why was that my choice?  (GRILL is the operative word, and helpful to diabetics.)  The menu is enormous (see link) and filled with a multitude of healthy choices.  

The grilled veggies were mouthwatering,  IMG_4432complimented the stuffed fish, AND did great things for my blood sugar. The entree I chose included two portions of stuffed flounder. One selection on the menu was filled with crabmeat and another with spinach and feta — a friend and I shared, so we had one of each! (Is this becoming a tradition, Gerry?)  My confession: French fries (it’s an addiction, I know). BUT, in the name of justification, we split those too, so we each had some fries and some grilled vegetables. My A1C will be happy. NO dessert — it was a beautiful thing.

“Choosing wisely” is easy in this restaurant and, selecting this group of friends was a wise decision. I’m blessed. These ” Ladies Who Lunch” are no less than divine!  We share a strong belief in the “Sisterhood,” and this group is as supportive as it gets. ❤

Tell me — What could be better than sharing a delicious, healthy lunch and wonderful conversation with a delightful group of friends?

Bottom line = monitor those morsels carefully to keep your numbers at a healthy level  and — just as carefully — choose your friends wisely!   🙂   There will be no regrets!


Thank you ladies, and WELCOME to our newest member!   

PORTION CONTROL — Name of the Game —

Sunday, September 18, 2016

It’s the name of the game in “beating” my Type 2 Diabetes, and I seem to be mastering it. I’m working on controlling my “portions” of everything;  probably why I’m so focused.

Because I’m downsizing and purging my house, I’m constantly evaluating what I NEED and don’t need. I’ve been in this house for 37 years so, trust me, that’s a LOT of stuff! Thanks to tips from minimalist, Billy from Simple Living Over 50, I’m progressing. His blog is amazing  — check it out, you won’t regret it.

So, basically, what I’m doing is controlling my “portions” in terms of what I really need (things), along with food. Watching what and how much I’m eating has gone a long way to lowering my A1C. It’s helping and I’m hoping that I can hang on to this discipline. This is the balance that I need in my life. Managing my diabetes and my environment will certainly help to achieve the balance that I yearn for. I’m following this path now, and this T2D is dedicated and determined to live a balanced and minimalistic life. IMG_4435

I’m reading, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing), by Marie Kondo. 🙂  I have a shelf packed with books on decluttering (they’re going!), but this one is unique — she has a completely different method of decluttering and I’m taking it on!  Attacking my kitchen cabinets is next. I know there are LOTS of items that are well past their dates — OUT they go. I can’t wait to have room in the cabinets that I WILL NOT FILL! I’m going to leave room for the food to “breathe.”  🙂

Seriously, I’m so thrilled that I’ve finally discovered that less really IS more — it gives ME room to breathe.  I’m on a roll, wish me luck!

PORTION CONTROL — the name of the game!